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#196050062Saturday, August 13, 2016 4:54 AM GMT

With assistance from the 6th U.N.E Armored Calvary the U.N.E Rangers were able to hold their ground against the SmokeFall pack in the first event of operation redemption. After sustaining heavy Casualties the alpha of SmokeFall called the retreat, as they fell back Major.John Stewart of the 6th Armored Calvary ordered his M226 to follow the retreating enemy. By using the M2HB mounted to the M226, Major.John Stewart and his crew nearly wiped the Right SmokeFall line. After regrouping the Rangers start to better fortify their position. Chapter 2:"Tension" "Tension" takes place 3 weeks after "The Battle Of The TreeLine". The Rangers are surrounded on all sides the only supply's they get is from daily orbital drops from the 'Clarke' ,the only issue is water. Water can't be dropped from orbit due to the fact that during a drop supply crates will become so hot that water inside would simply evaporate. The Rangers are in a dire situation, if they can't find a clean water source soon they will surely die. Smoke fall has encircled there position, they harass the Rangers defensive lines daily. As the old saying goes "Desperate times call for desperate measures" In order to break out of the chock hold the Rangers are in President James plays his Ace, Tier 1. A majority of details on tier 1 are classified, it's a unit set up on a very controversial topic. But under the hood on myth and legend tier 1 is a elite 5 man strike team, and they get the job done at all costs. If SmokeFall does not pull back its reserves soon Tier 1 will start operations. The area where the U.N.E landed is considered neutral territory by a majority of the packs in the area, the massive militarization of this once peaceful vally has gained the attention of The Southern Pack. In this chapter diplomats from the southern pack will negotiate with Members of the SmokeFall pack in order to clear their warriors from the vally so they can try and properly address the U.N.E, negotiations could take a few hours, or a few days (In RP). If negotiations take to long Tier 1 will be deployed causing more bloodshed. Date of event:Aug 14/2016 3:30pm est.

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