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#196252155Monday, August 15, 2016 6:56 PM GMT

The year is 2017 - and the Korean general releases a message to the president threatening him. He states "We're nuking New York City, if you do not hand over your oil." The president of the United States sends soldiers down to Korea. The U.S. soldiers patrol in north and south Korea. The year is 2018 - There is word that the U.S. is running out of oil. The media doesn't let the people know and instead spews some propaganda to why the oil prices are going up, saying that the "Oil men are just getting greedy." Of course, this causes civil unrest. People start protesting when in reality the oil is depleting. There are some people that do research of course. Even they unfortunately couldn't get any information. American generals alert Britain and Canada about the attack. Britain and Canada prepare their soldiers for orders from America. It is almost the new year on November 2, 2018 New York City gets nuked. Millions of people died. The survivors salvage for food and water. Even more survivors died from murderers and radiation. The criminals were let loose. The U.S. saw this pandemic and created a secret email service to sort things out. They came up with an idea. They would start training police officers and getting some military men to patrol New York City. This formed the "Civilian Defense Unit." or the "CDU." Some thought this new idea was unnecessary and many, but not all civilians protested. This being because of the police propaganda from the social media before the bombing. The CDU got violent against the protesters. Some protesters were killing the CDU forcing them to do as such. The CDU ends up forcing the civilians in line creating containment centers for families to stay in. Some of the civilians dodged the forceful rules and hid in destroyed houses and the tops of office buildings. The year is 2019 - Korea invades and fails to take the U.S.'s oil with the help of Britain and Canada's ground troops. The soldiers ended up fighting on ground to save oil. Korea, wondering why they aren't using oil powered vehicles called in China seeing the advantage. Canada and Britain then invade with their oil vehicles with the U.S. The U.S. starts using steam powered boats to fight on the water. While Korea uses the rest of their oil powered vehicles. The Korean Army ends up running out of oil on their vehicles along with Britain and Canada during the war giving U.S. the advantage. Yet, the U.S. in the beginning was still winning because of Britain and Canada's help. The U.S. fires back at Korea and China with the last of their oil-powered vehicles and destroys Korea and China. the war turns into a ground war using the rest of their guns and ammo with their soldiers. The U.S. and their allies win being a very powerful army, bigger than Korea and Vietnam. Korea then launches another seven nukes at the United States. The United states gets heated and they launch 10 more powerful nukes at Korea and China. Millions of Korea's and China's population dies off. Korea admits defeat. China invades again with U.S. soldiers ready. The U.S. wipes them out with Britain's help, Canada backing off cause of the amount of casualties compared to the U.S. and Britain. The U.S. and Britain win the battle and China Admits defeat. The remaining of the U.S. government celebrates along with Britain and Canada. The Citizens of the U.S. and their allies get pissed off about the celebration, Arkansas, San-Francisco, Kansas, New York, Alaska, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona and California being blown to bits. Along with Canada's Provinces and Britain's too. The surviving states are now in civil unrest due to lack of oil and are being ripped apart by the citizens from the inside. The CDU becomes a bigger unit and more CDU soldiers are sent to the remaining states. Britain and Canada end up dealing with it with their military, being in their own struggles currently. Meanwhile, other parts of the Eastern hemisphere hear about the amount of oil with the U.S. and the Western side. People in the eastern side become in debt for oil. Vietnam and Japan bomb Britain and Canada. Italy invades the U.S. directly. U.S. went back again to fend Italy off. The U.S. uses the last of it's soldiers to help Destroy Japan from bombing someone else. The U.S. wins again. Canada gets taken over by Vietnam. Britain comes into Canada and defeats Vietnam. The year is 2020 - The predicted new and improved technologies are now fantasy because of the nuclear war. Remaining states end up coming out with a form of this technology, still having the resources to do so. Many with good money are able to flock to the states. Middle class and poor people are unable to do so, resulting in them being stuck in the destroyed states. The Year is late 2020 - Climate change reaches it's peak and because of no more oil can start going down. Summers can get up to 100 - 105 degrees daily. Winters can go to temperatures such as, -10 - -12 degrees daily. For now there is no more Spring and fall. The Year is 2023 - Temperatures start going back to normal climate. The Ant - Arctic's glaciers are almost all melted, states around it being flooded. Canoes and Sailboats are very popular in these states. The states with civil unrest crumbled and went into a depression. The remaining area Korea missed was the arctic, it being very cold. The last of the oil would be deep below the water and ice. You wake up underground and climb out from the ladder leading to a suburban area, seeming to be in New York. Railroads would be high in the mountains, where you can ride mine carts across the area on railroads. Some old cars would have oil left in them. There would be many preppers in New York. Instead of killing each other a group of preppers formed a group called the PU, or the "Prepper's Unit." Along with a big, thick metal building safe from bad acid rain and coolers for the hot weather or warm areas for cold weather. Thieves commonly try and raid this area seeing it as a gold mine. Cannibalism is very common and respected with most people. Some who opposed cannibalism killed anyone who tried to do it. These groups of citizens joined the CDU. These citizens had no idea that the main leaders were still eating people themselves in secret. The timeline is now 2025. Credits to Cookidandy for more ideas in making Dysteria.
#196267642Monday, August 15, 2016 10:27 PM GMT

►The year is 2017 - and the Korean general releases a message to the president threatening him. He states "We're nuking New York City if you do not hand over your oil." The president of the United States sends soldiers down to Korea. The U.S. soldiers patrol in north and south Korea. You say Korean as if North Korea and South Korea have united within 365 days of right now. South Koreans are devoted to the United States while North Korea remains as a hermit nation. There's no possible way the Kim dynasty would submit to ridding itself of ultimate power to give it to capitalists who's ideologies completely counter those of their own. Plus, there's already a garrison of United States soldiers in South Korea to support the Southern Korean government in case of a war between North Korea and South Korea. Not to mention the fact that North Korea's nuclear weapons cannot travel on an intercontinental basis. ►The year is 2018 - There is the word that the U.S. is running out of oil. The media doesn't let the people know and instead spews some propaganda to why the oil prices are going up, saying that the "Oil men are just getting greedy." Of course, this causes civil unrest. People start protesting when in reality the oil is depleting. Some people do research of course. Even they, unfortunately, couldn't get any information. In this section, you also say that the media (mainstream media I assume, FOX, CNN, etc.) keeps the oil shortage from the public and instead uses the excuse that oil companies are raising prices just to gain more profit. But gas/oil prices are already outrageous. As well as the government not controlling the gas prices. It's the oil companies and gas stations that manage the costs. If there were a shortage of oil, oil companies most likely wouldn't tell anyone at all aside from possibly the government. And even if that, oil corporations and the United States government have to disclose publicly information about their pumps and the amount of oil they produce daily, monthly, and annually. If FOX or CNN did get news of an oil shortage, they wouldn't hesitate to release it to the public. They'd gain an astounding amount of money from views and ad revenue. ►American generals alert Britain and Canada about the attack. Britain and Canada prepare their soldiers for orders from America. Britain is a part of the United Kingdom. Britain, or Great Britain, is the entirety of Wales, England, and Scotland which is the main island. You forget about Northern Ireland mate. Although, they might've held a referendum to leave the United Kingdom since the United Kingdom dropped out of the European Union. ►It is almost the new year on November 2, 2018; New York City gets nuked. Millions of people died. Survivors salvaged for food and water. Even more, survivors died from murderers and radiation. The criminals were let loose. The U.S. saw this pandemic and created a secret email service to sort things out. They came up with an idea. They would start training police officers and getting some military men to patrol New York City. They formed the "Civilian Defense Unit." or the "CDU." Some thought this new idea was unnecessary and many, but not all civilians protested. It being because of the police propaganda from the social media before the bombing. The CDU got violent against the protesters. Some protesters were killing the CDU forcing them to do as such. The CDU ends up forcing the civilians in line creating containment centers for families to stay in. Some of the civilians dodged the forceful rules and hid in destroyed houses and the tops of office buildings. November 2ⁿᵈ is not "almost the New Year". It's 58 days from "almost the New year". Come on mate. And the notion of a right amount of people surviving the nuclear explosion is outrageous. An atomic bomb has an outreach of 5.5 kilometers. The width of Manhattan island is 3.7 kilometers. The length of Manhattan island is 21.6 kilometers. Depending on the placement of the nuclear bomb, there could be no survivors. If detonated dead center in Manhattan it'd kill the majority of all people in New York City. Also, the heavy sanctions on North Korea would most likely prohibit them from developing stronger nuclear weapons. And the United States garrison in South Korea would've combined with the South Korean forces and invaded North Korea. Bombers and other strategic moves would also diminish the North Koreans by a substantial amount. Although, an American invasion of North Korea would gradually raise tension between China and the United States. If somehow North Korea manages to acquire the technology to send ICBM missiles with nuclear warheads to New York City, North Korea's gone by then. Nuclear war would've broken out between the two countries if NATO and its' state members didn't already submerge North Korea under the waves of Sea of Japan. The only two countries that would help North Korea would possibly be Russia or Bulgaria. After North Korea's continuous threats of nuclear war, their relationship has been declined substantially with China. And Russia or Bulgaria wouldn't affiliate themselves in that mess. Well, Russia might supply some resources like tanks and weapons and oil. But no soldiers. Survivors of the bomb wouldn't have to scavenge for food or water. The Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations would've already arrived on site to hand out bottled water and canned food to the people. The only people "scavenging" would be looters stealing whatever they can. There also should've been no reason to let the prisoners escape. They either died from the blast, from radiation or starved to death. Because I'm pretty sure someone who isn't behind bars would care a lot more about themselves than any inmate. Pandemic: pan-dem-ik (of a disease) prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world; epidemic over a large area. You used pandemic wrong. It isn't a disease; it's a crisis. The U.S. government already has a "secret email service". They use private servers to deliver confidential information to politicians, agents, and famous people. When people don't use these private servers to provide sensitive information, you've pulled a Hillary. Training police officers would waste resources and time. The United States would most likely move in the National Guard reserve instead of sending in military assets. The patrols would be accompanied by paramedics to dig through the rubble and retrieve trapped citizens if they were even able to get into the deeper ruins of the city at all. Hell, radiation or other things would get to them probably before they were able to save a single citizen. The "CDU" (Civilian Defense Unit) would immediately dissolve due to it not being essential for the crisis at hand. Directly after this, you said a lot of citizens thought it was unnecessary, which is true. Although, I don't understand why they 'd protest. What the hell did "police propaganda" and social media have to do with the bombing, and how would this affect the people post-bombing anyhow? I'm going to disregard all the other events post-CDU establishment because the "CDU" didn't exist in the first place. ►The year is 2019 - Korea invades and fails to take the U.S.'s oil with the help of Britain and Canada's ground troops. The soldiers ended up fighting in the field to save oil. Korea, wondering why they aren't using oil powered vehicles called in China seeing the advantage. Canada and Britain then invade with their oil vehicles with the U.S. The U.S. starts using steam powered boats to fight on the water, while Korea uses the rest of their oil-powered vehicles. The Korean Army ends up running out of oil in their cars along with Britain and Canada during the war giving U.S. the advantage. The U.S., in the beginning, was still winning because of Britain and Canada's help. The U.S. fires back at Korea and China with the last of their oil-powered vehicles and destroys Korea and China. The war turns into a ground war using the rest of their guns and ammo with their soldiers. The U.S. and their allies win being a very powerful army, bigger than Korea and Vietnam. Korea then launches another seven nukes at the United States. The United States get heated, and they launch ten more powerful nukes at Korea and China. Millions of Korea's and China's population dies off. Korea admits defeat. North Korea has 239.44 million fewer soldiers than the United States. I calculated the reserves, active personnel, Fit-for-Service, and manpower available. Plus the United States has about a 2:1 ratio of tanks compared to North Korea. You also have to factor in that United States equipment is going to be at least 175% better than that of North Korea's. And that is probably because the United States has a $573.5 billion budget larger than North Korea (7.5B). And it wouldn't just be Canada and the United Kingdom supporting the United States, but everyone in NATO. I hate it so much that you still use Korea as generalizing both countries as if they've united. Plus North Korea would have used oil-powered vehicles to attack the United States. That's the only way they'd even be able to land on a coast of the United States. But they wouldn't even get to the coast. The US Navy would've wiped out their transport ships already if the US Air Force didn't. At this point you say that Canada and the United Kingdom use their oil-consuming vehicles to invade with the United States and the United States has gone back to steam-powered assets to fight their wars. So I can't decide whether you mean that the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom invaded North Korea or if Canada and the United Kingdom turned over a new leaf and started attacking the United States. Plus China wouldn't lend a hand to North Korea, due to the Chinese government most likely not wanting to get involved in a nuclear war. Although, you then go on to say that the Untied States invades North Korea and China and destroys them both. North Korea is probably annexed and either given to South Korea or kept as an American territory, yes. But China would have rather taken to atomic exchanges rather than being destroyed at the hands of the United States. THEN OUT OF NOWHERE COMES VIETNAM. The United States already defeated Vietnam back in 1975. Plus you made it seem like they allied with North Korea. But North Korea was already demolished in your last statement. Vietnam would be defeated again and sign a peace treaty with the United States. Then North Korea has this poetic last stand and launches seven nukes in the general direction of the United States, so the US only deploys ten nuclear weapons. But like I JUST said, North Korea got destroyed. Nuclear assets would've been seized swiftly by the United States & friends. ►China invades again with U.S. soldiers ready. The U.S. wipes them out with Britain's help, Canada backing off cause of many casualties compared to the U.S. and Britain. The U.S. and Britain win the battle, and China admits defeat. This paragraph is trash. ►The remaining of the U.S. government celebrates along with Britain and Canada. The Citizens of the U.S. and their allies get pissed off about the celebration, Arkansas, San-Francisco, Kansas, New York, Alaska, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, and California blown to bits. Along with Canada's Provinces and Britain's too. The surviving states are now in civil unrest due to lack of oil and are being ripped apart by the citizens from the inside. The CDU becomes a bigger unit, and CDU soldiers it's to the remaining states. This paragraph doesn't make sense. ►Britain and Canada end up dealing with it with their military, being in their own Struggles currently. Meanwhile, other parts of the Eastern Hemisphere hear about the amount of oil with the U.S. and the Western side. People on the east side become in debt for oil. Vietnam and Japan bomb Britain and Canada. Italy invades the U.S. directly. U.S. went back again to fend Italy off. The U.S. uses the last of its soldiers to help Destroy Japan from bombing someone else. The U.S. wins again. Canada gets taken over by Vietnam. Britain comes into Canada and defeats Vietnam. Vietnam was defeated. Italy wouldn't touch the United States. Japan wouldn't ally itself with Vietnam. Eastern Europe wouldn't be in debt for oil, but it'd not be pleasant to stay there on summer vacation. Vietnam wouldn't step foot on Canada. ►The year is 2020 - The predicted new and improved technologies are now fantasy because of the nuclear war. Remaining states end up coming out with a form of this technology, still having the resources to do so. Many with enough money can flock to the states. The middle class and poor people are unable to do so, resulting in them being in the destroyed states. What technology? I'm being confused by how states with "real money" are flocking to the states. What is stopping the middle-class and poverty people from walking over a border? ►The Year is late 2020 - Climate change reaches it's peak and because of no more oil can start going down. Summers can get up to 100 - 105 degrees daily. Winters can go to temperatures such as, -10 - -12 degrees daily. For now, there is no more Spring and fall. Late 2020 isn't a year. Just because there isn't any more oil, doesn't mean pollution won't stop. And you can't just stop "having seasons". ►The Year is 2023 - Temperatures start going back to normal climate. The Ant - Arctic's glaciers are almost all melted, states around it were flooded. Canoes and Sailboats are very popular in these states. The states with civil unrest crumbled and went into a depression. The remaining area Korea missed was the Arctic, it being freezing. The last of the oil would be deep below the water and ice. "Ant- Arctic..." oy vey. This paragraph also doesn't make sense. ►You wake up underground and climb out from the ladder leading to a suburban area, seeming to be in New York. Railroads would be high in the mountains, where you can ride mine carts across the area on rails. Some old cars would have oil left in them. There would be many preppers in New York. Instead of killing each other a group of preppers formed a group called the PU, or the "Prepper's Unit." Along with a big, thick metal building safe from bad acid rain and coolers for the hot weather or warm areas for cold weather. Thieves commonly try and raid this area seeing it as a gold mine. What? How did we jump from a timeline to a secondary narrator describing me? I'm scared. They wouldn't be called thieves; they'd be called raiders or brigands. Thieves are those who commonly steal. Raiders and brigands are those who try to seize places. ►Cannibalism is very familiar and respected with most people. Some who opposed cannibalism killed anyone who tried to do it. These groups of citizens joined the CDU. These citizens had no idea that the main leaders were still eating people themselves in secret. I don't know who's right mind thinks that cannibalism is respected. Maybe all of this radiation is giving these people neurological illnesses.
#196268007Monday, August 15, 2016 10:32 PM GMT

what he said lol You shall preserve.
#196269944Monday, August 15, 2016 10:59 PM GMT

What I mean by when I say "Korea" is to state both North and South Korea. I might edit it, again, stating that they worked together on this war.
#196270567Monday, August 15, 2016 11:09 PM GMT

why would north and south korea ever cooperate you walnut? You shall preserve.
#196271007Monday, August 15, 2016 11:15 PM GMT

About cannibalism, most survivalists nowadays know to do what ever it takes to survive. Even eating your own dead species.
#196271107Monday, August 15, 2016 11:16 PM GMT

You know what? Good game guys, I'll just leave Project: Dysteria. You guys win. A revised forum will only still look like crap anyways.
#196272637Monday, August 15, 2016 11:38 PM GMT

You have 5 posts and you referred to a thread as a "forum". Please, don't come back. We'll be glad to never see you again.
#196275728Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:23 AM GMT

I wasn't even trying to discourage you. I just wanted you to realize your fallacies and correct them. Don't listen to these blokes. Look at what I pointed out and fix it.
#196276856Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:40 AM GMT

I didn't like the story I made too much anyways. I might come up with something better. The story I had was too complex. It was almost like I was rambling. I tried to make the Post-Apocalypse all around the world but focus more on the U.S. cause that's where the rp takes place. Instead I made the mistakes you pointed out. So I feel I should come up with a less complex, shorter story that will still make up a good roleplay.
#196277924Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:55 AM GMT

Its' length does not matter. But there's a terrible amount of questionable material in there like the whole Korea and oil thing.

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