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#196345037Tuesday, August 16, 2016 11:34 PM GMT

Hello America! My name is HorrorGuy5000 and I am running for POTUS! ■★☆☆★■▬ Why should you elect me for Office ▬■★☆☆★■▬ I will change the USA for the better, and lead it into a golden age, one which we will never experience in the past. Our government staff will be fair to all, we will do everything in our power to make this USA a better USA with fewer corruptions and more businesses. I assure you I will be a reliable and suitable president. ▬■★☆☆★■▬ What I will enforce in the USA ▬■★☆☆★■▬ Government stabilization; All government officials, will be required to have an occupation within the USA of some sort, this will lead to less free, non-working high ranks within the USA. The outcome of this change will be, less abusive officials and a stable, more efficient government, which we have failed to see in previous presidencies. Justice system; I will choose professional and experienced justices, attorneys and judges for the USA, this will make us a fairer and more for the people America, I will be sure that the USA is not run and overpowered the by higher ranks, remember, no one is above the law, equality is necessary. Equal rights; I will ensure everyone is fairly treated within the USA, no one is higher or better than anyone else. The USA will be a people friendly country for all, no matter age, race or capability. I will ensure this is fully enforced within the USA, to increase the good experience for all members. Elections; I will be sure, that everyone in the USA gets a fair chance within the USA, to choose what they feel is right, this will mean elections will be held for almost everything, POTUS, Congress etc etc. This will lead to a more satisfied group of Americans that will be happy with the choices made and done. Remember, the USA is not a Dictatorship, it is a country for the people. Law enforcement; The USA's law enforcement will be top notch, they will be trained, disciplined and professional, abuse will not be tolerated within the USA, neither will corruption, any sight of this, of any sort, will be handled quickly and effectively, by our experienced government officials. Agencies and departments; These will be re made if not already done, suitable and reliable Directors will be chosen to run these departments and agencies, this will help the USA run smoothly, better than it has in the past, this will create more jobs for Americans, and improve our law enforcement. Employment; I will add more jobs to the USA, this will increase the things to do when at USA places, not all these jobs will be law enforcement, I will add transport jobs, add shops, restaurants etc, this will increase the fun time at USA places, give people more to do, and boost the employment rate. Universities; This is the most important on my list if I take office. Getting education is a very important thing for me and the citizens. There is HUGE chance that this will reduce crimes. How? Well, the main reason why people do crimes is because they fail to get a job. Even though they try their hardest, they fail. The reason of that is because they do NOT have the knowledge. Universities will give the people the education and they can start they're own business or pass tryouts easily. ▬■★☆☆★■▬ Changes ▬■★☆☆★■▬ Communication between officials and citizens, including myself, will be boosted to get more ideas and a better flow of relations between people of the USA. A reliable and suitable POTUS which all Americans will benefit and gain from. ▬■★☆☆★■▬ Conclusion ▬■★☆☆★■▬ Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it has gained me your support, remember, I am the one for the people, one with the people. A vote for me is a vote for a better tomorrow. Signed, HorrorGuy5000

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