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#197089487Saturday, August 27, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

This forum has the application and interview questions for Ebony Waves. Interviewer+ may only use the interview questions. People wanting a job must use the questions that will be the first thing you see below. ( APPLICATION) The application for Ebony Waves cafe, this application must be sent to CSO+ to be checked. Please don't bug anyone about it or else we'll lower your chances of working here. 1. Why should you work here? 2. Why should we hire you over other applicants? 3. How active are you? 4. How great is your grammar? 5. If you had the power to change Ebony Waves, what would it be? 6. Are you wanting to work your way to the top? 7. Name one drink from Ebony Waves. ( Please send this to CSO+, make sure you never bug anyone about this, or else you'll never work here! ) Interview Questions These are the questions Interviewer+ must ask while their interview a interviewee ( person wanting the job ) They have 50 seconds to answer every question you give them If they are on mobile or tablet, they have 80 seconds to answer their question. If they interviewee doesn't have grammar or they make mistakes, they can still use the time they have left to fix what mistakes they made, if they don't fix them in 40 seconds. End the interview immediately. ( Mobile and tablet users are exused ) 1. How did you find Ebony Waves? 2. Why should we hire you? 3. How would you make any changes to Ebony Waves if you could? 4. How active are you? 5. How is your grammar? 6. Are you willing to make it to the top? 7. Do you know anyone here or someone who recommended you to get a job here? 8. Do you have any additional question you'd like to ask before your given your final results? If think they're answers were great, pass them and promote them to trainee. Ortherwise, fail them and feel sorry for them. Then kick them.

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