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#197102706Saturday, August 27, 2016 3:56 AM GMT

This is a Post for Online dating, Online Dating is called ####### and ##### are not allowed in ROBLOX so Please don't let them in the game just report them or you can just tell them to stop. Their are many oder games so watch out and be on the look out for ######
#197102818Saturday, August 27, 2016 3:58 AM GMT

was already in ROBLOX rules but support, because that doesn't stop a full commitment involving love, marrage, and kids, but in the future potentially financially bankrupt and sadly divorced
#197104019Saturday, August 27, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

I feel like Roblox can't do anything about od'ing because people could get out of it by saying "I'm just role playing" Well Idk tbh I don't od :)
#197104171Saturday, August 27, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

roblox mods dont do enough to stop oding all they say is "dont od" on the rules page that only 1 in 1000 people actually read it's sad how many kids od on roblox because a game introduced them http://data.roblox.com/Error/Lua.ashx
#197104187Saturday, August 27, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

this might actually stop 1 percent of the OD'ers but otherways this forum wont do much you have to confront OD'ers to stop them. and its immpossible to confront them all because there are probably 100 online daters joining every day. this game is 20 percent regular players 20 percent OD'ers 20 percent ########## and 20 percent scammers. there really is nothing you can do about it unless roblox asks for undercover volunteer moderators you cant really do anything about them.
#200844353Wednesday, November 02, 2016 11:49 PM GMT

What, I was talking about is, When you see one of them. It's bad cause It's on Roblox's Rules Page. But, really you should report them. Even if you see them do ######### ###########

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