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#197677976Saturday, September 03, 2016 3:46 PM GMT

A reasonable amount of days, and they have to be verified and their account must be over 13 (the latter two are already in place, and rightfully so). This can prevent botting, but captcha or the "see more" button would work (and yet, ROBLOX would never add those).
#197678230Saturday, September 03, 2016 3:49 PM GMT

They've already made it that the account has to be a day old, They've already implemented this stupid idea
#197678611Saturday, September 03, 2016 3:53 PM GMT

@Best That literally means that bots [advertising for their sites] have to be only 24 hours old to be able to post comments anywhere... If you ask me, that's not long enough.
#197679093Saturday, September 03, 2016 3:58 PM GMT

It doesn't matter how many days you extend it by, It's still stupid and would mainly effect legit people
#197680574Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:16 PM GMT

You joined a couple days ago lmao. a wizard
#197680785Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:19 PM GMT

"A couple" equals 5 nowdays, The more you know
#197681036Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:22 PM GMT

You just don't like this thread because it means you don't get to post anymore. a wizard
#197681183Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:24 PM GMT

No because it's stupid, If I had to wait longer, I'd simply wait longer, I'd also create backups so if one gets banned, I wouldn't have to wait as long to post again
#197681327Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:26 PM GMT

No, it's because you're triggered cause people like you are too immature to be on the forums. a wizard
#197681429Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:27 PM GMT

You can keep rejecting the truth if you want, But it doesn't make your delusions true
#197681599Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:29 PM GMT

Haha. I'm not rejecting the truth, you're the one who is rejecting the truth. And if anyone is delusional it's you. You've yet to provide a valid reason for why this is a bad idea. I'd say it's a valid idea because 1 day doesn't stop bots from coming. a wizard
#197681605Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:30 PM GMT

get out
#197681648Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:30 PM GMT

@best get out
#197681732Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:31 PM GMT

Nor would making it a week or whatever stop them either, Just as it wouldn't stop me, How much longer are you going to reject the truth and replace it with your delusions?
#197681791Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:32 PM GMT

@Dis Or else what?, You'll cry?, Then start crying
#197681839Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:33 PM GMT

The suggestion is just that it would prevent new bots from spam better... and sure, I'll cry or whatever lol
#197681937Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:34 PM GMT

And it's a stupid suggestion, Why repeat to me what I already know?
#197682181Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:38 PM GMT

Then you should already know I told you to get out
#197682318Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

And you should already know I said "or else what?"
#197682372Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

weak you don't have to listen to me, but you should know that this is a good suggestion bump
#197682400Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

Yeah, of course not a week, a year. Get out you triggered noobist. a wizard
#197682587Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

I've seen a couple of 2016ers on the Scripters subforum that are in no way 'noobish'. If the verified thing hasn't been implemented yet, then that should.
#197682676Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:45 PM GMT

This is in no way a good suggestion lol!
#197682693Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:45 PM GMT

Those 2016ers are most likely alts. a wizard
#197682698Saturday, September 03, 2016 4:45 PM GMT

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