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#197763435Sunday, September 04, 2016 2:31 PM GMT

Hello, People of Florida, I am RockStarEagle26, a Congressional member of The State of Florida. I am announcing that I will be campaigning for Governor of Florida. If we work together we can achieve many great things. If you trust in me we will win this election, and we will be able to turn Florida into the once great state it was! What are my plans, you might be asking yourself? I believe that is we work together anything can be accomplished! I want to turn Florida into the once great state it was. I want to see Florida have the lowest crime rate ever! We will be the safest state in the USA! I will personally focus on Congressional activity, Agency activity, and State activity. Once we have achieved that, and the Directors, Cabinet, and Congressional members have been put into office I will be turning to you, the people of Florida, for many other tasks to I will also put an end to FA######ake sure that none of the HRs and Power Ab########nd let the law enforcement do there job. b. If I am elected, who would help me while I am in office? I am open to everyone for job applications. Just because you have that job now, does not mean that you will later on. You will be expected to do that job correctly, efficiently, and respectfully. If you do not enforce your job and do the tasks needed, you will be removed. If you support me in my campaign, sign below. we need 10 signatures to be official! -RockStarEagle26

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