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#197763772Sunday, September 04, 2016 2:37 PM GMT

42ND REGIMENT OF THE FOOT TRAINEE MANUAL INTRODUCTION PART I PART II INTRODUCTION I see that you joined the 42nd. Good choice. But with joining the 42nd there is certain things you must do. You must use the terms. Three simple words. You must be amazing at bayonet fighting. As the 42nd are amazing bayonet fighters. So you use your terms, train with bayonets and drill. That is what we do. PART I Part I of the training for the 42nd is learning the terms. The terms are aye for yes and nae for no. This is for all talking. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise ignore them. As aye and nae are for yes and no. Any and all times not just once or twice. The next is for charge bayonets. Instead of Huzzah we say Hail Caledonia. This can be classed as our motto. A NCO will train and test you for this part of the manual. PART II A 42nd should be at least good at bayonet fighting. Which is why the test for a battalion is a 3 round bayonet fight. Each battalion has its own amount of wins and loses. SECOND BATTALION This is the bulk of the regiment. To get into this battalion you must do a bayonet fight in front of the regimental staff to pass. You have to win at least one of the rounds. This means the most you can lose is two rounds. If you lose all three you are to do the test again. FIRST BATTALION This is the best of the best. To get in here you must do a perfect round. You must win all three rounds in front of the staff. If you lose one round you are not allowed into the First. To redo the test you must pass a certain test to be able to retake it. That test is knowing terms and drills. That is all you must know for the 42nd. Be respectful, be disciplined, be mature. This is the Highlander’s way of life. HAIL CALEDONIA!!

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