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#198316438Monday, September 12, 2016 6:44 AM GMT

The maxium number of Saiyans + Drythe Saiyans in this game is 5 each none more! Half Saiyans are also limited to 10. Oozaru: X10 Base (You shall need a tail and a full moon to activate it.) FSSJ: X30 Base (A base of 200k and sudden rage.) SSJ: X50 Base (May be upgraded soon Requires a base of 1.5M and Extreme ra#############60 Base (Can be obtained while training in SSJ for 3 Hours) MSSJ: X55 Base (Can be activated by rage and going to the maxium of your power!) USSJ: X75 Base (Can be activated by training in MSSJ for 2 hours and 30 minutes.) SSJ2: X100 Base (Must have a base of 2.7M and EXTREME rage!) MSSJ2: X110 Base (Must have a base of 3M and trained in the HTC in SSJ2 for 2 hours) SSJ3: X400 base (Must have a base of 23.2M and trained in the otherworld in MSSJ2 for 2 days!) SSJ4: X1200 base (Must have a base of 500M and a red FULL moon or by using the Earths moon but will cause you to have a 50% chance of living) SSJ5: X5500 base (Must have a base of 20B and have used SSJ4 more than 3 times+ Extreme rage!) SSJ6: X6000 base (Must have a base of 40B and be in SSJ5+ Extreme rage!) SSJG: X25,000 base (Can be used by having 5 saiyans or half saiyans lend you their ki! The form can last up to 30 minutes! Must have a base of 500B!) SSJB: X50000 base (Need a base of 1T and have used SSJG! Must have permission from OWNER!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half saiyans get all the forms EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: SSJ5 SSJ6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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