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#198356361Tuesday, September 13, 2016 1:00 AM GMT

Hello, City Of Jackson, Tennessee citizens and people.My name is Obigoodman, I am happy to be in the City Of Jackson. I am a (D)Democrat. I am active and has been in different governments and has been in congress as a SOTH and Senate, House Of Representatives, and has been a Mayor and Governor in other Cities and State groups. My last Governor term was in State Of Fuller. I am still a leader and a congress leader till today. I am a great leader has been been a leader when I first off starting to play ROBLOX. I didn't know much until I study about congress and other jobs. I have been a Trainer and a director in NSA and in the Marine Corps and in the United States Military. I want to run because I want to help become Mayor and help be a nce leader and help the City Of Jackson become a popular city and one of the best cities on ROBLOX. I have been writing speeches a lot of time. I might be writing a lot but it will help show you that I will be a good Mayor for City Of Jackson. I will help make sure the City Of Jackson people and government get what it deserves and I will organize the City Of Jackson with rallies and other cities to come explore the City Of Jackson. I will make sure all departments are good and active and get departments running smoothly and help with the department Chief Of the Fire Department and Chief Of the Police and more departments that we will add or have. I will do my best to get City Of Jackson running really good and well. I will answer any questions you have and communicate with people that needs my help or needs or want me to do something to help the group. I will do my best to keep my main focus on City Of Jackson. From the day I become the Mayor of I will be prepared to do anything that I need to do to help improve the City Of Jackson, Tennessee. I have been planning and will continue to plan until I get Mayor and will work hard and do anything to become Mayor. I have been trusted and Hope you can trust me as your Mayor. I have won a lot of elections and will continue to do so. I will not make this group worse but make this City on of the best cities that anyone will want to be in for the rest of their life. I am ready and will show you that I am ready to become Mayor. If you have any comments or Questions for me message me on ROBLOX and tell me and I will answer it immediately and quick. Also I will be contacting all Chiefs and Directors and Secretaries of any department to give them advice on what they need to do to help and some information on how departments are running. If any departments needs any help I will be there to help. I will like to communicate to many people. So we can spread this group around and get to more then 20 thousands members. Thank you and God bless! I I salute to all family members that were in the 2 world trade center at the time of the attack or in the planes pentagon or in the plane with 40 members that crashed in PA. If you vote for me you can either say I vote for Obigoodman or sign this speech. Have a great afternoon and evening. Signed Obigoodman (D)Democrat
#198356478Tuesday, September 13, 2016 1:01 AM GMT

Made paragraphs.
#198357960Tuesday, September 13, 2016 1:21 AM GMT

I'd vote, but I'm not a Democrat. I am a Republican Chief of Police. Signed, DefendingTheBlue [JCPD] Chief of Police
#198363143Tuesday, September 13, 2016 2:50 AM GMT

What can you do more for the citizens and Lower Ranks of the departments? It seems like you are only foccused on growing the city and about the Higher ranks of the Departments. As Deputy Chief of JCPD I want the best for my Patrolman and Women. Also, you bring to much focus on growing the city and bringing in new people instead of what you can do for Jackson as it is. OS therefore I refuse to sign and vote for you. Shrillmarine JCPD Deputy Chief (R) Republican
#198372381Tuesday, September 13, 2016 10:25 AM GMT

I was talking in speech about Citizens and Departments I said that I was going to do want citizens will like me to do and not make citizens feel left out I will bring what citizens deserve an for all citizens that has questions for anything me to hear I will here answer and make sure everyone has equal right and justices. I will make a way citizens can help communicate City Of Jackson running great. We will work hard on goals we need and make sure our Citizens and people are happy. Department planning is in my Trello and is in the speech.
#198372585Tuesday, September 13, 2016 10:40 AM GMT

You say "I want to run because I want to help become Mayor and help be a nce leader and help the City Of Jackson become a popular city and one of the best cities on ROBLOX." Ignoring the errors here I must say that two of your three reasons are to help yourself. Admit it, you just want that lovely wad of cash that comes with being the mayor, don't you? Failing that you never really state what you will do for your people, yes you want 20,000 and yes, you will talk to your department heads but what's there for the little man? You later state that you will "do anything to become mayor." Well sir, I must remind you that bribes are illegal and no statesmen should ever resort to something so low. Hopefully, you wouldn't do that. But how can the people trust you? They know you will do anything for that role, how far will you go? Signed Imperial Emperor of the Fourteenth Regime Duck14 (D) Duckatarian
#198372852Tuesday, September 13, 2016 11:03 AM GMT

#198372894Tuesday, September 13, 2016 11:07 AM GMT

I am not doing any bribe I am not going to give people Job to vote for me everything is well nice and clear in the speech I do really want to become Mayor but I am not just going to waste my time writing a speech about bribing and all that bad things. I have once again been A mayor and Governor an has in SOTH, HoR, an Senate coupe of times. So I really know what I am doing and check my Trello for my planning it will help alot if I make Mayor of City Of Jackson.
#198372907Tuesday, September 13, 2016 11:08 AM GMT

*Has been Governor*....
#198372915Tuesday, September 13, 2016 11:09 AM GMT

#198385363Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:32 PM GMT

#198385395Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:33 PM GMT

Y'all can trust me.
#198385565Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:36 PM GMT

Id vote buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm lazy
#198385588Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:36 PM GMT

Ok, is this for a group or for a role play thread? For group: it goes to C&G For RPT: it stays here. Thank you for reading.
#198386891Tuesday, September 13, 2016 8:07 PM GMT

It is for both this is a City group so I am running to take Mayor on ROBLOX now it is kinda roleplaying because we do active patrols and have departments with Arresting and the FD take out fires if any happen. So both.

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