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#198389933Tuesday, September 13, 2016 9:09 PM GMT

KEY ------------------- I.Do's and Don'ts II.Types of Role-playing allowed III.End ------------------ I ------------------------------------------- Types of Role playing rules to follow: 1.no FRPing or fail Role-playing, or basically doing something utterly impossible 2.No Magic,Demons,Angels,Role-playing as animals or vehicles , no superpowers or super soldiers. 3.You must go to other groups inside my main group to access police,military,government,FBI,CIA,Federal agents or Secret Service 4.You MUST ask PTK , or Pre-mission to kill. 5.Hurting a person for no reason whats so ever is not acceptable, and "He was annoying me" when all he did was ask you a question is a big no no. 6.Drive like you would in real life 7.Use quotes for speaking Ex:"Like This." 8.Use parentheses for speaking off script (Like this) 9. Don't need to do anything for doing an action Ex: Kicks the wall really hard 10.you must have the actual weapon do do an action that involves that item (Exception for Brass Knuckles) 11.You must a have a good character RP name and Description Ex: []Ray F.Thompson[] (a= age , W=weight , O=Occupation []A:37[]Occupation:President[]W:144 M=Male F=Female EC=Eye color []EC:Blue[]HC:Brown[] HC= Hair color, N=Name) 12. To be someones husband , wife,child,Dad,mom,Uncle ,ectera... You must ask there Premission 13.No OD'ing unless you're doing it in the Roleplay ---------------------------------------------- II --------------------------------------1.ERPers allowed , but if you do it in public you still will be detained (Look ERP on google) ogle) _________________________________________________ III -------------------------------------------------- That is the end of this here rule book for Role-playing,For you experienced role-players and who know more , PM what they are so I may add them. -Pres.Ray F. Thompson
#198390855Tuesday, September 13, 2016 9:26 PM GMT

Another usa group ......
#198437250Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:06 PM GMT


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