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#198867085Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6:37 PM GMT

ROYAL AIR FORCE OFFICERS PROCESS. THIS GUIDE IS SPECIALISED FOR ROYAL AIR FORCE USE. Chief of Air Staff: SirJamiesAviation. ---------------------------------------- Start ----------------------------------------- Section One, Ranks. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST know the ranks of the Royal Air Force. He/She must demonstrate this in a verbal spoken manner. He/She must know the catorgory in which the spoken ranks fall into. (Non Commissioned Officer, Senior Non Commissioned Officer, Commissioned Officer, Non Commissioned Officer.) He/She must also know the abbreviations for all spoken ranks. In the RAF, the commissioned ranks are Pilot Officer through to Marshal of the Royal Air Force. They are generally referred to as 'officers'. In the RAF, a commissioned officer is a member of the Service who derives authority directly from a sovereign power (i.e. the Monarchy), and as such holds a commission from that power. Any officer (and all non-commissioned ranks) address a senior officer as "Sir" or "Ma'am". Section Two, Information. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST know the motto of the Royal Air Force, "Through Adversity to the Stars". He/She must know when the Royal Air Force was created and how it was created, On April 1, 1918, the Royal Air Force (RAF) is formed with the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) and the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS). The RAF took its place beside the British navy and army as a separate military service with its own ministry. This will be marked on a verbal manner. Section Three, Uniform. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST wear the correct uniform and clothing whilst on duty. Sometimes uniform can be supplied but it is best to buy officer clothing. He/She will also need to make sure they buy the correct rank tab for his/her MTP. He/She must wear the correct headdress while on duty. This will be marked on a verbal and practical manner. Section Four, Respect. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST show respect to any senior officers, this includes those in other branches. He/She must also treat lower ranking persons with respect. This will be marked on a practical and verbal manner. Section Five, Behaviour. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST Behave in an officer manner. This means that foul language while on duty will NOT be accepted. He/She must not use profanity and bad language. As well as behaving in the correct manner, an officer must be able to take control of abusive behaviour. This may include a warning up to a discharge from the Armed Forces. This will be marked on a verbal and practical manner. Section Six, Drill. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST know his/her drill. Should extra drill practise be needed, he/she should contact a more senior member of the Royal Air Force. This will be marked on a verbal and practical manner. Section Seven, Grammar. An officer in the Royal Air Force MUST use grammar while on duty. This is to look better in whole. ---------------------------------------- End ----------------------------------------- Further editing may occur. This is to be given to those wanting to become an officer in the Royal Air Force. © [RAF] Royal Air Force

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