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#199189552Monday, September 26, 2016 8:25 PM GMT

[ATF] Hiroshima Kamaris Original ATF2 lore; -Hiroshima Kamari(s): A professional baseball team from Hiroshima. Goal: To stay alive. After their victorious baseball game in Osaka, they were on their bus back to Hiroshima when catastrophe struck. Due to the EMP waves, nuclear bombs, and radiation, they have been stranded in Osaka ever since the end of the war. They adopted a pre-war recreation center as their new home. ATF5-6; As the New Japanese Liberation Force unified Japan under their Democratic leadership, baseball in Japan had begone to become obsolete and the pre-war Baseball champions had soon become homeless and unemployed; as well as their children. In order to gain money around their homeland, they begone to advertise as entertainers and stuntman for small time parties and weddings. They were mocked for being 'talent-less' and desperate, and soon most descendants of the Baseball champs had moved out of Osaka to other parks of Japan to begin their own, new lives. In 2089, the remaining descendant members had started their own Trading caravan and shipped out to the Hawaiian islands where they had set up shop 5 miles north of Fort Outlook. From there, they had stayed up until 2100, doing their business in trading, entertainment, and acting as hired guns. Through out their stay in Hawaii they had cought fame back in their homeland and in the NJLF. In 2100 the Japanese Mercenaries had traveled through NJLF transports to the coast of California, where they traveled on foot to Atlanta, Georgia, in order to find money and jobs in the civil war torn country. By 2107 they had opened up a fully functional camp 11 miles west of the Half Moon river. Following their Japanese government, they had begone to aid along the NJLF and USCPF against the PRT. They do act as mercenaries to Citizens; But only if they are US citizens and have no PRT-MEB relations. >forgot to lock it on prev. post >roblox doesnt allow double forum posts

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