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#199418213Saturday, October 01, 2016 2:36 PM GMT

Later through the years, Dalanora was wandering through the market place, looking hungrily at all the stands with food, whether it just be tasty treats or something as simple as a loaf of bread or an apple. She accidentally stumbles into you, murmurs a quick apology and then keeps moving on. Later you hear a young feminine scream and guards yelling along with a few other people. You hear a lady yell, "Leave the poor girl alone!" You go to explore the scene and find the girl that had bumped into you not even long ago, being yanked into the air screaming. There was a loaf of bread on the ground, looking to have been thrown by someone. You figure you should probably do something. What will you do?
#199425139Saturday, October 01, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

I look at the guard holding the girl, and with no time to waste, using my magic, I gently separate them from each other. The guard seems confused, and I release the girl, letting her take the bread and run away. I toss the guard back into his guarding spot, then go after the strange girl. "Hey! Wait up!" I say. She doesn't seem to hear me. I create a cloak of light to make myself invisible, then stealthily follow her to a wall. The wall opens, and a blinding light flashes over me, breaking my veil. This is a light, not even I can look at without closing my eyes. I wonder "Huh... who is this strange girl?" I wait at the wall, just waiting for her return.
#199445900Saturday, October 01, 2016 11:35 PM GMT

((Shall I just leave you to do this yourself then...?))
#199485835Sunday, October 02, 2016 4:57 PM GMT

((naw, I really need your help cuz I don't really know what to say, besides it's your story, I'll just follow))
#199491547Sunday, October 02, 2016 6:37 PM GMT

((That's not really true because you took over my character and just did that all yourself. There was no planned out story, it is supposed to be different with every person I roleplay with. Just because you saw another one of the posts, doesn't mean I'm going to copy it and do the same for everyone. That's boring. So if you'd like, we can try again and you NOT take over this time, or you can do this by yourself. Your choice, thanks.)
#199523136Monday, October 03, 2016 4:16 AM GMT

okay, let's start over.
#199553255Monday, October 03, 2016 10:02 PM GMT

(Then it is still your post.) Later through the years, Dalanora was wandering through the market place, looking hungrily at all the stands with food, whether it just be tasty treats or something as simple as a loaf of bread or an apple. She accidentally stumbles into you, murmurs a quick apology and then keeps moving on. Later you hear a young feminine scream and guards yelling along with a few other people. You hear a lady yell, "Leave the poor girl alone!" You go to explore the scene and find the girl that had bumped into you not even long ago, being yanked into the air screaming. There was a loaf of bread on the ground, looking to have been thrown by someone. You figure you should probably do something. What will you do?
#199554850Monday, October 03, 2016 10:29 PM GMT

Staring at the guard, # yell, "HEY!" The guard looks at me. (Yea, for other characters, I will be letting you do the talk. This post is gonna be chock load of replies XD)
#200360243Thursday, October 20, 2016 11:13 PM GMT

{I'm Still here...?)
#200372414Friday, October 21, 2016 5:06 AM GMT

(Your response is invalid. RIP this roleplay)
#200394924Friday, October 21, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

(do we really have to restart again... D:)
#200419274Saturday, October 22, 2016 3:49 PM GMT

(RIP this roleplay. Try again on the original forum) ~Whale mother

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