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#199447850Sunday, October 02, 2016 12:17 AM GMT

Test Operator: Dr. Iceberg (SocialConstruct) Security Personnel: [REDACTED] Class-D: [REDACTED] Date/Time: [REDACTED] Site:Site-108 1. All 4 class-D enter Containment zone. 2. CD are asked to form circle around SCP-173. 3. CD are asked to all make a 360 degree turn at once. 4. CD fail to perform the 360 at once. 5. Cd are asked to move to center for better viewing of chat. 6. CD are asked to STS and perform a 360 all at once. 7. CD success with performing a 360 at once. 8. SCP-173 quickly reacts moving to the crowd of CD 9. SCP-173 gets to the crowd but does not initiate an attack. 10. CD are instructed to give SCP-173 a hug 11. CD are then lined up against the containment door. 12. CD designated “Black Mask” is asked to step forward. 13. Black mask complies and the rest of the CD are brought out of the containment zone. 14. Black mask is asked to back out of the CZ while remaining eye contact with SCP-173 until the door closes. 15. SCP-173 is contained, CD are escorted back to CDC and test is concluded. Casualties: None. Finishing Statement: Currently, it is unknown why SCP-173 did not attack when at least one CD had their back to SCP-173. Research should be furthered into this for future testing.

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