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#199507609Sunday, October 02, 2016 11:06 PM GMT

---TRANSFER RULES--- > Maximum players on a team is 8/10 > Do not spam on the group wall that you have signed a player, PM LaurentBlanc / Solarization > Once a player is signed, they cannot be signed to a different team until next transfer window > Players have the option to leave their team if they don't like them, but can't be signed till next transfer window > No loaning random players without proof you loaned them from a different team > Once you have loaned, PM LaurentBlanc / Solarization > Players that join and try to "loan" a match will get kicked out automatically > When mid season transfers open, players can transfer to a new team or loan for only maximum 4/5 matches > Recommended that team captains sign free agents to develop > Team captains can sign up to 15 players > Sign whoever you want but, you cannot sign alts or acc below the age of 100 > If you want to sack your manager / team captain / player, PM LaurentBlanc

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