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#199713494Friday, October 07, 2016 1:40 PM GMT

THEM RULE DOE: Rule 1: When attending host don't ask for admin if you aren't the rank that normally gets it. Rule 2: Show respect for everyone even if they are a lower rank then you, everyone should be showed the same amount of respect. Rule 3: Do not spam "!help", only ask for help if you need it or you got disconnected from the game and you were in the RP or when we forget to put the spectator tool back. Rule 4: When applying for HiT (Host in Training), Intern, or any other rank. Always answer the questions ask and don't trail off when you are answering them. Rule 5: Do not ask for a "rank up" if you did not win the season or even attend it, when you get ranked up only if you win the seasons. Sometimes if you were really close only sometimes. Rule 6: When on the group wall do not start flame wars or even start to arguments or you will be punished by the 'Hope and Despair' ranks accordingly to how you acted. Rule 7: HRs and MRs should not curse but if you do keep it to a minimum. Rule 8: During host Role-Play just don't stand around and be in Out of Character (OFC) a lot it kinda ruins the whole point of the season. Rule 9: When asked "Do you want to murder?" ETC. Do not reply unless you want to murder and you do everything it says. Rule 10: Advertising isn't aloud and if found doing it you will be punished accordingly. Rule 11: Some SHSLs are not aloud, like ones that are for dirty adults, you get the point. And last but not least, Rule 12: Have Fun!

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