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#199934788Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:49 PM GMT

Okay... roblox has been ruined, they are making the site into basic so it looks boring. they don't do halloween, christmas, easter themes which is boring. Remember when guest can talk? you could even talk to them. they removed that feature. Roblox is now Pay to play (you: How?) well roblox added a feature where you can add to your game so people can pay to play your game. So I would say thats half not free game and a free game. Roblox keeps doing Events on random games. Remember when roblox makes places and you can do quest to get stuff what was really fun. Roblox is now throwing money to developers for making games which they could use those money to keep the game running. its like giving free money for just making a game which is so easy to do. 2016: So many scams sites that can get access to your account. Theres lots of spam bots when you don't want them. They removed TIX because they wanted "money" like i said, stop giving free money to developers when you should keep them. So any support would make my day.
#199934924Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:51 PM GMT

"they don't do halloween, christmas, easter themes which is boring" No they actually do this.
#199935049Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

Didn't you hear what I said? I said theme for the site they don't even do it, its always this... plain and boring
#199935132Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:55 PM GMT

Tix encouraged hitting its good that they were deleted
#199935199Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:56 PM GMT

Ugh I'm on mobile right now stupid autocorrect I mean botting
#199935240Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:57 PM GMT

#199935354Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:59 PM GMT

you don't understand your a tbc.
#199935420Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:00 PM GMT

is anyone agreeing?
#199935463Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

You don't understand you only have 80 posts
#199935744Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:06 PM GMT

@supercat are you a troll? Just because i have 80 posts doesn't mean my point is invalid. Atleast you entertained me
#199935867Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

@MrJoeyJoey I agree, it seems real boring when games cost Robux, and TIX are gone..
#199935959Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

"I agree, it seems real boring when games cost Robux, and TIX are gone.." Most games are free to play. Not only that, you joined after the tix removal.
#199936124Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:13 PM GMT

ITT: delusional noobs complaining over nothing
#199937057Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:31 PM GMT

Their are way to many of these threads, ITS TIME TO STOP!
#199939197Tuesday, October 11, 2016 11:14 PM GMT

''The site looks so boring'' Get ROBLOX+. It's an extension. You can change the theme to OBC. which replaces blue with black. ROBLOX+ is also useful for other things. If you don't like that you can get Stylish. (Also an extension) There are LOADS of themes for the website, but some of them are just for main ROBLOX pages. Like the Games tab, login screen, etc, So I recommend ROBLOX+. ''So many scam sites'' Support on this, there are way too many scam sites, what I think Roblox should do is just remove comments on games. ''Roblox is pay to play'' Roblox is not pay to play. There are plenty of fun free games and free items in the catalog. There are also events that give out free items such as gear, (rarely clothing) hats, etc. And to get them you have to complete a task in a specific game. Which gives it some variety. It is your choice if you want to pay for items. Also paid access games usually become free after some time. ''So they removed tix to make money'' They need money to keep their game running you do understand that right? They need money for the true fans to keep enjoying the fun games that come with ROBLOX. They also removed it because people were Tix farming. People who wear Dominus today are either admins , or people who tix farmed. ''When guests could talk'' Support. Do I support this thread? Not exactly. Though I do think some points you made were true. Thanks for taking your time to read this c; ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) life is good when the memes just right
#199967146Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:07 PM GMT

No, I'm not downloading anything on my browser, I want them to make the theme and put it up not use R+. The site just looks plain I think next year roblox will be gone
#199967210Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:09 PM GMT

It is fun, even some NBC'ers have fun when using the Forum and playing games. I ripped off this siggy.
#199967249Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:10 PM GMT

But, they're losing money by giving almost 5 million dollars to people who use Dev-Ex
#199967331Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:12 PM GMT

"But, they're losing money by giving almost 5 million dollars to people who use Dev-Ex" At the same time they're earning much money. I ripped off this siggy.
#199967963Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:29 PM GMT

Instead of complaining to ROBLOX about their site being "bad" and expecting them to make a solution, propose a logical solution to all of these points without causing them to go bankrupt due to EXPENSIVE server costs and salaries of their employees.
#199968037Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:30 PM GMT

#199968766Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:48 PM GMT

Hey lets remove dev-ex as a whole so that developers cant make money anymore so that roblox isnt as greedy and brings tix back1!!!!1!1! Yep dev's are totally going to stay here then, Developers need money and roblox gives that, and for a fair price. I could go on a longer rant on your statements but i wont, because that would only waste my time.
#199969571Wednesday, October 12, 2016 6:07 PM GMT

Sitting here and ranting about it won't do anything(Ik because I've tried for other childhood games I've played). I think the events could be better and they need a CAPTCHA for comments but games are a lot better and more detailed compared to 2-4 years ago.(+ paid games are usually not that good anyways or they are in a beta/alpha stage and will become free at 1 point). Also ROBLOX is not P2P. NBCs can create their own games, play games, buy free clothing, forum, join groups, make friends, ect. Clues: 1.Design It 2. Blox Hunt 3. Retail Tycoon 4.MeepCity 5.Super Bomb Survival(?) 6.Dinosaur Simulator
#199970373Wednesday, October 12, 2016 6:34 PM GMT

SITTING HERE IS WHAT EVERYONE HAS BEEN DOING roblox doesn't listen... theres still bring tix back forums... we still don't have tix... Roblox is pay to play to get robux.. you eather get bc... or buy it... or get 1 robux from a gamepass that will never sell since the trade % is 90... :\ just look at the latest present... its OVER 5K robux! ya shutup blockz and go away...
#199981402Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

Roblox made a very bad move on the tix removal, either block the connections from botters, limit account creations, or add a captcha to comments & account creation. but unfortunately, we cant revert Roblox updates just like that, there also some hideous statements from there excuses of the removal, such as 'too confusing for first time users' like ofc, you obviously don't tell them what to do with it, you don't give some tutorial, also the probably 80% of the catalog was just made up of robux anyways, what's even more disgusting is when they actually start selling tix items during the countdown of removal and look at it now... captcha exists for forum posts.. but not for sign-ups oh no! either its also useless with this tix-botters since they wont make much of a use but just take up space.

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