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#200091286Saturday, October 15, 2016 1:45 AM GMT

Pick 1: Bolts - Clutch_QB Pick 2: Wolves - Teamowner/Not there Pick 3: Razors - Lomhk Pick 4: Bears - Broareujoking Pick 5: Phantoms - AlmightySwa Pick 6: Nightmares - Slamhawks Pick 7: Angels - Gebbatron36 Pick 8: Freeze - Teamowner/Not there Pick 9: Cupids - ZachLowy Pick 10: Rabbits - Creepychewy Pick 11: Cavaliers - Flutterbus Pick 12: Blizzards - nonwolfypack 2nd Round: Pick 1: Blizzards - Thunder210000 Pick 2: Cavaliers - Fatkido Pick 3: Rabbits - BarrySanderz Pick 4: Cupids - Mistermagickamara Pick 5: Freeze - Teamowner/Not there Pick 6: Angels - Wrathatron Pick 7: Nightmares - Lordstar55 Pick 8: Phantoms - LegitArnold Pick 9: Bears - ClxtchPatience Pick 10: Razors - WilliamsII Pick 11: Wolves - Teamowner/Not there Pick 12: Bolts - InterstellarOrbit 3rd Round: Pick 1: Angels - Teamowner/Not there Pick 2: Nightmares - Melonman Pick 3: Freeze - Teamowner/Not there Pick 4: Phantoms - mohamm51 Pick 5: Cupids - TuxedoSheep Pick 6: Bears - KrazyMonkey Pick 7: Rabbits - majorgeneralfail Pick 8: Razors - Orphanx Pick 9: Cavaliers - tjjr Pick 10: Wolves - Teamowner/Not there Pick 11: Blizzards - hobo_beast Pick 12: Bolts - kwamp11 4th Round: Pick 1: Bolts - TN1215JR Pick 2: Cavaliers - Teamowner/Not there Pick 3: Rabbits - wiseuber22 Pick 4: Cupids - chxzz Pick 5: Freeze - Teamowner/Not there Pick 6: Nightmares - ShakaZuIu Pick 7: Blizzards - Flatter_Gas Pick 8: Wolves - Teamowner/Not there Pick 9: Razors - TrueRaptorClaws Pick 10: Angels - vcreezy Pick 11: Phantoms - Orion313 Pick 12: Bears - Dustyshirt 5th Round: Pick 1: Blizzards - Skeetyskeetonyourmum Pick 2: Wolves - Teamowner/Not there Pick 3: Razors - Neonworks Pick 4: Bears - Broadlonne Pick 5: Phantoms - Teamowner/Not there Pick 6: Angels - SkeetySkeet Pick 7: Bolts - grandtheftautolife Pick 8: Cavaliers - Teamowner/Not there Pick 9: Rabbits - blackopsking1 Pick 10: Cupids - Inflatables Pick 11: Freeze - Teamowner/Not there Pick 12: Nightmares - nikerackin *NOTICE* Draft ended short due to time/Lack of players there. What do you guys think about this draft?

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