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#200097154Saturday, October 15, 2016 3:38 AM GMT

****THIS IS THE EXACT EMAIL MESSAGE I SENT ROBLOX**** This Forum is to be read by all roblox members and it's admins. Hello I am LaPlurimum. I have a possible solution to this place stealing problem if you keep reading. I have been a member of Roblox since 2010 and I am looking for a very good and detailed explanation as to why places can be stolen on our great website that is the bastion of gaming. Why are places able to be stolen? Why aren't we doing something about it? I created a very good White House and spent weeks making it. It was quite possibly the most detailed White House on Roblox. No too long ago; people were able to steal the place and they freed my place to the entire Roblox Community (which really upset me). A specific person claimed they were the one who stole the place through an exploit. (I will only release his name to the admins) I talked to him and asked how people could steal places; and he said there was a script you would type and say in game that would download all the properties in the workspace to a file in his computer. There is also another method he said he could use while in studio by doing stuff with the PLACE ID. These methods have been proven to work many times because I am not the only victim. My plan to possibly fix this issue is by giving developers the ability to change the names and properties of the workspace so that it would be impossible to make a script that was capable of stealing the properties. HOW IT WORKS: You open studio and open the explorer. At the top of the explorer is the "Workspace". All parts or objects that you insert automatically fall under the "Workspace". If you could re-name the workspace and change the properties of it; it would be just like setting a password that protects your place and all its parts. If you could do this; it would be almost impossible for someone to make a script capable of stealing the parts in our places. They wouldn't know what to write in the script because the workspace name and properties would be changed to the developer's liking. My plans to fix the Place ID issue is to make it where ONLY THE DEVELOPER can see the PLACE ID in the Place URL. Thats right; I want the place ID hidden in the link so hackers can no longer use it to hack places. For Robloxians: PLEASE SHARE THIS FORUM SO MY IDEA GETS MORE SUPPORT For ADMINS: PLEASE SEND THIS INFORMATION TO YOUR HIGHEST LEVEL EMPLOYEE SO THEY CAN LOOK INTO IT! I would like to speak to someone who has the power to help end this epidemic on Roblox and put my plan to work so our developers can get back to work and not have to worry about our places being stolen. PLEASE POST MORE IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU HAVE ANY!
#200098949Saturday, October 15, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

cant patch luadec its been here since the beginning
#200099005Saturday, October 15, 2016 4:23 AM GMT

If this would work, I love the idea. You really spent time thinking this out to make sure there aren't any problems. I have limited knowledge of coding, so I wouldn't be able to give you a definitive answer on whether this would work or not, but if it would, I'd love to see it implemented. Support, OpticUniversse | Twitter: @OpticUniversse | Witt Lowry is my inspiration
#200099238Saturday, October 15, 2016 4:28 AM GMT

wouldnt work
#200100477Saturday, October 15, 2016 5:00 AM GMT

100% Support #stopExploting CountyLaw the Annoyed Developer
#200102081Saturday, October 15, 2016 5:53 AM GMT

#200104535Saturday, October 15, 2016 8:09 AM GMT

As a scripter I can tell you this would NOT work. For fun let's assume the obvious answer (using GetService) is disabled. The workspace is it's own type, therefore: for i,v in pairs(game:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Workspace") then -- at this point v points to the workspace. You've found it. All done. end end I know it's a bit hard to understand if you're not a scripter but that will work even if you change Workspace's name because you're searching by ClassName, not Name. As for hiding the PlaceID, we're assuming that these hackers are capable of executing scripts in game, yes? print(game.PlaceId) There ya go, they can just get it that way. Slightly harder but still extremely easy.
#200105679Saturday, October 15, 2016 9:21 AM GMT

support because i feel this may help idk
#200285414Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:30 PM GMT

@Invern, He was talking changing classname not the regular name of the workspace.
#200301792Wednesday, October 19, 2016 5:18 AM GMT

I feel, hopefully developers will be able to allow their work to come out soon. I'd imagine ROBLOX would be worried as I've seen so many players leave because of these exploits.
#200302539Wednesday, October 19, 2016 6:23 AM GMT

meh you cant rlly patch exploits... why? balance of life
#200302892Wednesday, October 19, 2016 6:48 AM GMT

@Simtheo Well here's an even more efficient way to bypass this... game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Parent ^ That will point to the Workspace. You wanna change the name and classname of Players then? function findWorkspaceAgain() for i,v in pairs(game:children()) do if v:FindFirstChild("YourName") and v["YourName"]:IsA("Model") then return v end end end Move all characters outside of the root of Workspace? function findWorkspaceAgainAgain() for i,v in pairs(game:children()) do if v:FindFirstChild("YourName") and not v["YourName"]:IsA("Model") then return v.Character.Parent end end end These are all untested but you get the gist of what I'm doing and you know it will work. No matter what you change, there will always be a way to get a reference to Workspace. Always.
#200484040Monday, October 24, 2016 7:14 AM GMT

So I guess the old Roblox is gone. Places can now and will forever be available to everyone. The hard work of a few people will forever be stolen by poorly skilled idiots. There is no point in this game anymore.
#200486789Monday, October 24, 2016 11:33 AM GMT

This is likely very hard to patch. You're just going to accept that trolls will eventually steal your place and give it to kids who can put free models in there. ...For now?
#200488285Monday, October 24, 2016 1:04 PM GMT

Idk ? Cheat engine or some exploit + A script that will print every classname+property into a file ? the script is easy to make. But LONG.
#200488576Monday, October 24, 2016 1:23 PM GMT

changing the name of the "Workspace" would not work also that isn't how the exploits actually work
#200654722Saturday, October 29, 2016 3:36 AM GMT

I said the ClassName.. Not the regular name.

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