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#200209628Monday, October 17, 2016 1:15 AM GMT

Please fill in all the blanks, and if you Character does not apply to the slot, explain why in detail. For an example if they don't have a name, then what are they called by and why don't they have a name. {Please answer to the best of your ability, they more you know about your character the better.} ---------------- Name: Gender: Age: Afflictions: ---------------- Eye Color: Hair Color: Height: Imperfections: Fashion Choice: ---------------- Likes: Dislikes: Fears: ---------------- Personality: Flaws: Perfections: ---------------- Powers: Weaknesses: ---------------- {Please give full answers.} How did they get there powers? How did there parents treat them? How did you deal with the gift you received? How did other people look at you with your power, did they fear you or amazed by you? ---------------- Choose a Roleplay Scenario (You only need to choose 1) 1. You walk in an ally way heading home. It's about 1:00AM and 3 people come out of no where. They looked at you and demanded you to give them your wallet. One of them had a 357. Magnum Pistol and the other two had long rusting knives. What do you do? 2. You walk by and see policemen standing outside a bank, they were 5 people with loaded AR-15's. Civilians were also in the building, and you see someone you know from your former school/work, they were robbing the bank with the 4 other convicts. What do you do?
#200209820Monday, October 17, 2016 1:18 AM GMT

Want to join the group? https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2962831 It should be fully released soon!
#200216327Monday, October 17, 2016 3:13 AM GMT

"Want to join the group?" I'm good thanks Consider this
#200223404Monday, October 17, 2016 8:26 AM GMT

---------------- Name: Rick####r############der: Male Age: 69 ################### learning anything in 23 years, losing all my money. ---------------- Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: None, don't have hair Height: Fat Imperfections: Getting money fast. Fashion Choice: My Pawn Stars uniform. ---------------- Likes: The Gold and Silver Pawn Shop. Dislikes: Losing money. Fears: Losing money. ---------------- Personality: Loves money. Flaws: Sometimes loses money. Perfections: Making money. ---------------- Powers: Making money. Weaknesses: Losing money. ---------------- {Please give full answers.} How did they get there powers? Luck. How did there parents treat them? Bad. How did you deal with the gift you received? Money. How did other people look at you with your power, did they fear you or amazed by you? Some feared, some did not. ---------------- Choose a Roleplay Scenario (You only need to choose 1) 1. You walk in an ally way heading home. It's about 1:00AM and 3 people come out of no where. They looked at you and demanded you to give them your wallet. One of them had a 357. Magnum Pistol and the other two had long rusting knives. What do you do? Make an offer for the weapons. 2. You walk by and see policemen standing outside a bank, they were 5 people with loaded AR-15's. Civilians were also in the building, and you see someone you know from your former school/work, they were robbing the bank with the 4 other convicts. What do you do? Make an offer for the weapons.
#200223416Monday, October 17, 2016 8:28 AM GMT

Rick Harrison* Afflictions: Not learning anything in 23 years and losing money.*

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