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#200404450Saturday, October 22, 2016 3:18 AM GMT

Many people have asked me, "Are we going to switch to the new ROBLOX R15 animations at our places?" The simple answer is no. What is R15? -R15 is ROBLOX's new way to render the character in-game. Instead of a standard blocky character like R6, R15 adds elbows, knees, and makes the character run/jump smoother than the original morph. If you have never seen it before, here you can test it: https://www.roblox.com/games/369866874/R15-Demo ROBLOX did a good job converting all of ROBLOX's physics properties to suit the new R15 Morph animation. However, the issue with R15 is all of the guns, swords, and other tools we use won't work, because the arms of R15 are different from R6. In addition to our tools, all of ROBLOX's tools (for the most part) do not "automatically" convert to working with R15 as well. Therefore there would be no reason for us practicing with R15 if we will never defend, raid, or scrimmage with it. For now, until clans on ROBLOX advance, we will stick with R6. Feel free to post any questions or comments you may have below.
#200404603Saturday, October 22, 2016 3:23 AM GMT

That's why it's called beta. I ripped off this siggy.
#200405366Saturday, October 22, 2016 3:45 AM GMT

Not exactly sure why this was moved to Suggestions & Ideas, its a topic for my group. If anything I guess it could be moved to Game Design? But this should be put back into Clans & Guilds.

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