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#200484626Monday, October 24, 2016 8:22 AM GMT

Ever wanted to work at a group? Well this group your in now has a way to work here. (Currently the ability as a worker doesn't do anything, but they will very soon so why not apply?) Since our application is currently not available (N/A) here is a way you can without the application. The steps are very easy but you need to be very specific. -What do I do?- The first thing you do can do is send a message for application. To send a message you must hold specific requirements: 1. Must have a specific time 2. Please convert your time to both times (This means change the time you requested to the time in western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere.) 3. Must have your message with understandable Grammar so the user you message to can understand. (more coming soon.) Here are the users you should message your request to: goodandnoob Lenna_aye Another way you can do is whenever a time of interviewing is hosted you can come right down ! (Make sure your time of entering the Interview Center is within the time given.) -How does the Interview work?- The interview thing is not to hard at all! You will first join and when you join you must find a seat to sit. Then any owner there in the game with you will ask you something to confirm your access to the interview. Then you will be asked questions. Depending on your answers you might have a great chance of getting in. (REMEMBER: If you troll while in the interview you will automatic get kicked or banned or killed. Trolling is not allowed.) Here are the steps put into a list: 1. Find a seat to sit. 2. Wait until an owner comes and confirms your access... 3. If it is confirmed, follow the owner to the interviewing room. 4. Answer each question that is asked. 5. If you pass you will be messaged or just told in-game that you were ranked and you probably will successfully be ranked up. If you did not pass you will be messaged or told in-game that you were not ranked. If you were not ranked you can always try again. -What am I not supposed to do in the interview center?- When your in the interview center you are not allowed to troll (like I said before), curse at other users (this will disable you from your interview), and hack (even if your hack was not effecting anything or anybody). -What am I counted on in my interview?- Because I do not want to make this to long to read I will put everything your counted on in a list. 1. Grammar. 2. How well your answer is. 3. How fast your typing is. 4. Your spelling. (More coming soon.) Thank you for reading! Have a nice day lovely people!

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