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#200544470Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:02 PM GMT

This election is going to be one of the most important elections this country will ever have, and because of my strong conservative and Republican views I believe I can form a prosperous path for this country. I am not going to make this a 1700+ word booklet, most wouldn't read it anyways. Here I am about to list some things I plan to do within my first days of office. 1.) The most important thing when I take office is to put in a chief justice and justices. We need some knowledgeable, mature and Constitution abiding men(Or women) running our Supreme Court. I will pick justices that will know the constitution and rule the Supreme Court with fairness. 2.) Build up our military! These men(and women) are the reason we are free today. I will be sure that our military is kept up and are being taken care of. 3.) Enforce Laissez-Faire. I feel our businesses are doing fine and the last thing the businesses need is the government trying to control them. 4.) Enforce stricter immigration laws. I will make a form of questions for all incoming immigrants to fill out. When the form has been completed and has been accepted then the immigrant will be granted citizenship. 5.) My tax plan The reason I am running for office is mainly and solely FOR THE PEOPLE, I am not here to make myself money nor publicity(I am with the people!). My tax plan is just a flat 7% no matter your wage or your place in society. Start this off right! Signed, 96Logan69

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