#21072797Monday, February 15, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

That story was from WarBlox Advance, It was one heck of a scene.
#21096344Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42 PM GMT

i love reading these storys
#21096706Monday, February 15, 2010 1:00 PM GMT

Where it happened: Above Le Fromence,France What Army you were fighting for:Special Air Service(SAS) What Weapons you had:Lee Enfield,Sten,some granades and a Colt 1911. What happened Me and some SAS troopers are onboard the lancaster,All of a sudden,our plane has been hit by a Flak 88.Major Ingram said:''We have to hold the plane until we reach the drop point!''But the pilot said:''I cant hold it!We have to drop now!''And soon,Me and my Major and all SAS troopers dropped into Le Fromece,France.I was scattered from my men,and i got stuck into a tree.I passed away when i dropped from the tree to the ground. When i woke up,a German rifleman shot 2 of my paratroopers.Then he saw me and shouted"A Kommandoestfre!"Then he walked up to me and before he shot me,Major Ingram shot his head,saving me from the German.He took me up and i followed him to the small outpost,that is the drop point.I saw my troopers and I said i wanna check everypodys here,The list below: Cprl.Senter:Here Sgt Dexer:Killed during drop Major Ingram:Here,with a monkey on his bag?Lol Lt.Ketih:Here Gnrl.Pixy:Killed during drop Cmdr.Wexter(Me):Here Cprl.Laroche:Here Cprl.Quaxter:Here Cprl.Mark:Here Me and troopers found that Vera,our jeep is missing!So we went to the forest. Continue below......................................
#21096895Monday, February 15, 2010 1:08 PM GMT

We encounter some German resistance,I shot a German,and they shot me.I fell down to the ground. I woke up.....and my wounds gone.and my soilders rescued me,now for vera!I found it and drived it. And i went down to extraction point.We won the battle! Caracters some may be from COD3. Veras from COD3 Story got a similar thing from COD3. The end. Signed: Tan Jun Yan. -------------- 2010 Febuary 15 9:08pm_
#21101727Monday, February 15, 2010 3:24 PM GMT

Place: Warblox Advance Weapons: A pistol, and some C4. I was shot down in my plane over the enemy base. I crawled from the wreckage, half dying. Some enemies were walking over to me. I quickly planted some C4 on my plane, and hid. They searched the plane, and at the last moment, I detonated my C4 and there was a giant explosion. I had recovered, and ran to the enemy base. I hijacked a jeep by headshotting some randomer, and drove back to the base. Suddenly, there was a large explosion behind me. An enemy plane was chasing me! I did some evasive manuavers and finally got to my base. There was a whole wave of jeeps and foot soldiers coming to our base! I set up a sniper spot at my base, and picked them off 1 by 1. I was shot, and fell from my position, landing on an enemy. They took me prisoner, but luckily, I still had my HG42. I fired at my guard, and I saw some of my team holding off the Reds outside! I hopped into their jeep, and drove back to base. A tank took a pot-shot at us, and the driver was killed. I was injured badly. An enemy came over, and finished me.
#21105011Monday, February 15, 2010 4:25 PM GMT

Where-WARblox advance Weapons-Sword,Pistol and a deployable cover Story: All alone in the middle of the battlefield i saw a recon of green soldiers. I was in need of help but i was too far away from base. i deployed my cover as soldiers shot at the cover. I get out of crouch and take my pistol out. I only killed 2 soldiers when i was out of ammo. I draw my sword and jump in the enemy tank then kill the driver. I was in control of the tank. Firing full force i lost my leg from a rocket launcher blast. My cover exploded. So did my tank. I kill all of the soldiers with my sword. There i was standing, one leg missing, waiting for the transport heli to arrive.
#21106000Monday, February 15, 2010 4:43 PM GMT

Where it happened: WarBlox TM: Advance What Army you were fighting for: Blue What Weapons you had: ST70 What Happened: I had just been recruited. The blue army had been pushed back to the breaking point. Nevermore. I geared up for heavy-duty owning. Good thing I did… Anyway, the first thing I did was to shoot down Mark901, then his second in command. I am not dumb: I did it from a cover point. No one was at our frontal base, so I recaptured it. I asked for back up. I got two rocket launchers (I think they were called AWP-7s, but I don’t know). Don’t get me wrong, they pack a punch, they just are not accurate. I did not wait for them. I turned and climbed a building near the middle grounds. I shot down the guy in the tank first: he was most deadly. I did not notice another tank skirting the town. I then shot down the last guard and took the base. Then I pushed forward and attacked the green forward base. Piece of cake. Then I looked at my map-GUI and frowned. Our forward base was green. Then I remembered the tank. You could say I got mad. I ran back to wipe them out. Nevermore. I ignored my team calling to wait. Nevermore. Then everything went red. Not dead red, but… All I remember is the blinding flash of my gun, the horrible thrill of callus killing… Maybe my teammate can tell you more. I saw it all. I shouted for him to stop, to wait before getting killed. A guard turned and shot at him. He missed. ZizZazZuz Calmly, almost amused, cut him down in seconds. Then he went over the hill. Next thing I heard: “RAAAAAAAAGEEEER!!!” I followed and what I saw shocked me. A TANK!! And two guards, one a sniper! He dealt with the tank first. No trouble there: it only moved five studs before the driver was cut down like grass. The sniper came next. He was an easy kill. The last guard ran behind the immobile tank. No problem. A flash bang ended the competition. He ran blindly toward our base as Ziz (as we call him) cut him down. He seemed disoriented for a second, then he touched the flag. Back to you, Ziz. Thanks, man. Anyway, that was the end of my army service. At least, in that battle. The greens were routed, and I got the Purple Heart, and the Valor Star as a result. Keep in mind that this really happened, all of it.
#21108158Monday, February 15, 2010 5:19 PM GMT

No lie. None of that was made up, except my teammates words.
#21114268Monday, February 15, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

Where it happened: Warblox: Advanced---- testing What army where you fighting for: Blue Army What weapons you had: M5,Flashbang,C4,Pistol What happened Chapter 1: The beggining. It was a day like any other day in roblox... which usually means that I was going to fight in a war. Me and rayrocker17 didn't even know each other intel the day of this war. I was just a recruit when all a sudden I became a cammander. I didn't even know I was that good at war I had a score of 12 ko's it was pretty nice. I was defending the base like crazy when all of a sudden... they sent in a smoke granade... then he came. Chapter 2: A new friend. I looked around after the smoke was gone I said "show yourself" he said "DONT SHOOT!!!" I looked at the chat bar and saw it was one of our team mates. It was rayrocker17. I looked at the cammanders orders. It said to Capture. I told rayrocker17 "we should get moving... cammanders orders is to capture". My goodness wow were we ever good. Then rayrocker17 was a not too bad soilder. He had a ko of 0 when I found him... that went up all the way to 13 kos in no time at all. I knew this one would be a great soilder. Chapter 3: The captures. I was amazed on what this boy could do. He was good... so was I. Our ko's where up so high it was like we were an army just by ourselfs. By this time we had every base in the map. All captured by rayrocker17 and me. Chapter 4: The plane crash. We were just waiting there at the green forward base looking... waiting... watching. When all of a sudden we saw a plane come out of the hanger taking off. Then at the same time a tank came out. The enemy plane came down like a hawk shooting us. thank goodness though he had a terrible aim. I got shot once or twice. While rayrocker17 had a no shots in him. The plane shot a rocket and it went right at the tank. The plane couldnt pull up in time... it crashed right behind us. We lived of course... but the enemys died badly!!!. I then saw the worst that could happen at the time... our army went away... EXEPT!!! for me and rayrocker17. Chapter 5: All alone. Me and rayrocker17, were all alone now. It was up to us to destroy the enemy. We attacked their base, shot the, planted C4, ran out, and killed them. But it was no use. I was out of C4... so I used a flashbang and threw it in their base. It only had a wide enough span to get all of them. But after it they were jumping around... then we killed them. Chapter 6: Reinforcements. Then after a while our reinforcements came. They came in with tanks, jeeps, planes, and soilders. It was buitiful seeing our army finally stand up for Robloxia and all the Robloxians in it. Chapter 7: The final battle. I gave the order to attack, search, kill, destroy, and give no mercy. I dicided to come in with a plane... but I crashed in the green forward base. I crawled out... when one of the wings fell. The green army sended out a search party but that didn't stop me. I brought out my M5 and shot them all. I quickly crawled over to which was now a plane crash zone (also known as greens forward base) I called in for backup. Boy did they ever come fast. It was now night time and we had our night vision gogles on. rayrocker17 came in to defend me... but he got shot 3 times lived and killed the enemy. I quickly came saying "MEDIC" then I said to rayrocker "its ganna be ok... hang in there" he replied to me saying "I c... ca... cant hold on much longer though" I said "NO!!! Youve made it this far you can make it the rest of the way". Chapter 8: The fall of the green army... the rise of the blue. The medic finally came and gave him a medi kit. I was so happy to hear that rayrocker17 was ganna live... but he needed to rest so that meant that he could not fight. But he didn't care he went right up and got behind cover ready to fight. He then said "im ready". I was thinking to myself when I heard that... that he would not give up... that he was a fighter... that he was my friend. Then the green army cammander gave up and surrendered... I brought out my pistol saying "this war is over" then shot him right in the head. The green army left the server... the green army fell and the blue army rose up from the ground. rayrocker17 and me were so happy. It was the worst war ever... the longest. and the greatest. It was WarBlox... the battle against the green. Chapter 9: The end. Me and rayrocker17 at the end were the best soilders in the blue army. rayrocker17 had a ko of 27, and I had a ko of 32. I lead an army that day... an army that had a victory. In the end me and rayrocker17 went away with only a few injurys and only a few regrets... but we knew that we won and we were the only ones that could help win the war... without us we would have lost and the blue army would have fallen. The End In memories of the blue army... may the rest in piece and know that we won and I ask you all just to salute to them and say thank you. A true story by summergirl123
#21116467Monday, February 15, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

Where it happened: Somewhere in Ethiopia What Army you were fighting for: WUA Elite What Weapons you had: ST70 What Happened: Please Take into account that this is not real. Jan. 23 I blinked my eyes against the driving rain. It pounded almost as hard as the vibrations of the tanks engine against my legs. Our squad has been put on alert for the 3rd time in the past month. Of course it was a drill, but it was no less sleep depriving. The time is 3:35. Boring drills… (here there is ink pooled on the page.) Jan. 24 I fell asleep during the drill. Stupid stupid stupid… Jan. 27 I am sorry I could not get to my journal. Real attack this time. And now I am above the middle of the jungle. Here’s what happened: VAK Assault Battle Vehicles (or ABVs) attacked the outpost. We could have wiped them out, but… it was horrible. They brought experimental Heavy Assault Mecha Warriors Beta V.5 (or HAMWB V.5). It was more of a slaughter than a battle.half the squad could not get into planes, so half the squad died… Nevermore… Feb. 2 Oh the irony. The only technology that works can’t keep me alive. Our transport was targeted by HAMWBs with SAM launchers. We jumped, but the pilot, Captain Vermal102, didn’t make it out before the plane blew. Nevermore… took me a while, but I found all of the dropped warriors… or their bodies… nevermore… Feb. 3 An Ethiopian village has been found! We’re saved! Feb. 13 Remember what I said about being saved? I lied. We have been captured. A POW Transport Vehicle picked us up and is taking us… somewhere. Feb. 14 It was a maximum security space prison. We must rank pretty high on their list of enemies. Also, an Ethiopian boy freeloaded on the ship. NO WAY!! Feb. 15 That boy is a government hacker. We’re getting out of here soon! One way or another. Nevermore… Feb. 16 The food here sucks. Feb. 17 Tomorrow’s D-day! Feb. 19 We made it out! We have all our weapons back. And considering that there are only 7 of the 18 that dropped left, that’s a lot. Nevermore… We need to blast out of here so... we found an experamental anti-matter bomb. We’re gunna arm it. Feb. 20 Head count: 6. That boy died after hacking and arming the bomb. Good thing the bomb’s arming is permanent. It’s set for Tomorrow. Gotta make it out… no… Nevermore… NEVERMORE!!! (authors note: This is the journal of Corporal Xahna. He died on that ship. His mental condicion was not good after the bat- … err, slaughter in the outpost. The group made it out because he attacked a jeep in a hallway, rendering it immobile. That bought them only a little time. He told the others to run, while he stayed to stop the incoming infantry. The bomb exploded while he was still inside. So ended Xahna.)
#21118630Monday, February 15, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

Where it happened:War blox advance What Army:Blue What Weapons you had:M26 Hunter,sword,H16. What happened: I was flying my plane,suddenly I was losing control; the plane would ONLY fly up. "King-6,this is King-6 I have lost control" I said. "Im going to have to kill the engines,brace for impact!" I hit the ground,I barely was living; Luckily I landed in a allied zone. --Cprl. Beast
#21121572Monday, February 15, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

(This is only partialy real) Feb.1: Just got put over seas. And I got sick the first 3 seconds.
#21121943Monday, February 15, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

I was in my plane yet again, flying around taking out a AA machine gun. Suddenly,I crashed into it. "Stupid,Stupid,Stupid!" I screamed at myself. I was at the enemy base,and soon killed. -Cprl. Beast
#21149103Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:04 AM GMT

Where it happened: West Aurertch What Army you were fighting for: Blue What Weapons you had: Koro 50, Flashbang, Medikit What happened: Shot down in a helicopter I was sitting in My crashed, smoking helicopter on the ground. I was wounded all over Myself but My left leg. I got out of My helicopter and got My medikit. I opened it up and bandaged My wounded body parts. I was all ready now. I picked up My koro and went to My base. i saw an enemy helicopter, so I immediately took cover. Once it got past Me, I knowticed it was heading to the blue base. I spotted a HMG and shot it down. I also then spotted a flare. I picked it up and decided to use it when a team helicopter was near Me. And there was one. I startd up the flare and the helicopter saw Me. He came to pick Me up and I was now safe. (End of story.)
#21156036Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:03 AM GMT

where it happend: firestorm what army: blue Weapons: stg-70, pistol,grenade,medkit, what happend: i lived in a peaceful town till green started bombing the city i took a pistol from my house then i shot a green soilder and took his gun and gear then i joined the blue army taking revenge on what green has done i will not rest till they all die.
#21166276Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:08 PM GMT

Where: Warblox Advance Army: Blue Weapons: All guns accept for WUA ones, C4, Deployable Cover, and Mines. Part 1: Delta one was in trouble. I geared up to go out and protect with deployable cover. I went out and faound his smoke. I tryed to make cover but it didn't appear. (skimming) Later we could not hold base. We went out for the Middle GRounds. I captured it. Delta 1 Captured our forward base. WE also got green forward base. Then it went downhill. Green captured stuff back. At one point they got 2 of three things back. That was bad. We airstriked em then Did it again and again. I kept just shooting. The battle had no end known to me.
#21166345Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:10 PM GMT

Where: Seas of War What army: I forget Weapons: Machine gun, turret What happened: I'll start from where I remember. So i was at the enemy base. I found a turret and kept shooting. I killed the same guy like fifteen times. The end. LOL.
#21166449Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:14 PM GMT

Where: Jurrasic Park RP Army: What army? Weapons: Machette, Blow Darts What happened: Well, I was roleplaying. I had some friends who were dinos. One of them made ribs. I fed them to our plant eater who went crazy. He rampaged and kept going for me. He sorta won twice. Yeah, it happened 2 times. And then when I fed him pork chops. End of story= I was in ajeep and he became i raptor and went for a ride then left.
#21167826Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:52 PM GMT

Where it happened:WarBlox:Advanced What Army you were fighting for:blue army Weapons you had:ATS, deployable cover What happened: my team was on a jeep behind a tank, i dont really know whats going on but my orders was a rescue mission on to the middle grounds due to lost contact with Echo 14's last location. The tank infront of us stopped. i contacted the tank driver why he stopped then BOOOM!!!! a launcher man shot down the tank. it was an ambush behind the buildings. i told my men to get out due to crossfires. one of them was JayMaster1313, a corporal who joined the army after he was convicted of murder on a family. one was DarkKnight00, a private who just joined the army 5 months ago but i tell you...you might wanna get hold of him cuz hes got the best shot. another one was rs123456789, a private who is a grenadier but i dont know much about him. we got out of the jeep and went to a free building then went to the roof. i layed the deployable cover by the roof stairs. me and DarkKnight00 layed down some suppresive on the front building while rs123456789 and JayMaster1313 protects us from behind attacks by the roof stairs. theres nothing we can do, we all have 1 last clip each. i called a heli for the air support but they shot it down so i only have one choice...BOMBARD THE WHOLE MIDDLE GROUNDS. i called for an airstrike and they said theyre coming ETA 2 minutes. we all looked at each other, we know we're gunna die on the bombardment of middle grounds. then we all walked oby the front roof and shoots all those men who were coming for us. a kill there and a kill here. then i shot the last bullet with an ATS. i saw the fighter from the distance then all of a sudden, i all i saw was pitch black...i woke up on a medical tent, at first i didnt know where i am. a medic came to me and said that my team was gone except me. for hours i was thinking why do they have to die. i took a document and wrote Private. rs123456789-KIA Private. DarkKnight00-KIA Corporal. JayMaster1313-KIA --Sgt. cRanEfoX,Blue Army Seargent
#21171870Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:34 PM GMT

Where it happened: X-101ST recruitment center What Army you were fighting for: Ucr What Weapons i had half a clip of pistol ammo a pistol and a rpg with grenades What happened i had managed to get in the weapons room after throwing our hostage against the iris scanner... when the door opened.... the new X-101st recruits and R.A.T negotiators opend fire. my squad and i retreated for the bazookas and rpgs. i was wounded from the inital fire and had tKEN REFUGEE IN THE WEAPONS ROOM. I FOUND MY RADIO AND CALLED IN AIR SUPPORT. i waited for 3 hours in that room shooting the occasional guard who came in with my silenced pistol. finally i heard a chopper. i went outside and saw two choppers full of troops. i called to it then saw the X-101St logo and oppend fire.one hit the ground after my rpg hit it. it was only when the second chinook landed and Ucr special ops got out did i realise that the first chinook had been commandered and had ucr spec ops as well i survived that day with my life and im grateful
#21208123Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:44 AM GMT

Where it happened: Conquest IV Beta What Army you were fighting for: Yellow What weopons you had: Tank, Soilder, Engineer What happened: Chapter 1: The call. It was another day in Robloxia. I looked out on the field... no blood... no trees... no robloxians. The yellow army called me in saying "You must fight for Robloxia we will give you a fleet of tanks, soilders, engineers, and anything else you need". I replied saying "Sure... but how many soilders am I leading into battle???". They said to me in a intense voice "200 soilders". I now knew that all of their lives where in my hands. They flew me into the battle zone in a helicopter. I saw it... it was the field I was looking at earlier. Chapter 2: The enemys. They showed me the enemys I was up against. I was up against a Blue army a Cyan army and a purple army. But I was allied with the green army but I had to kill him in the end. Chapter 3: The battle begins. We all started off with a main base not so bad tall with 100 health. I decided to have barracks and a factory. I had many pylons and 1 turret. The building of the forts ended... it was time to bring in the troops. Everyone was fighting each other... what was once a great field was now a blood zone. I was in a corner building up my army with soilders, tanks, and engineers. They only allowed 50 troops in the battle zone at once. I had all 50 troops ready for action. At first I told everyone to go and attack purple. They were a strong force... in the end I won though I had to first take down their turrets then their pylons then their main base and factories and barracks. Chapter 4: A strong force. I went into then made the choice to attack blue... I thought it would be easy you know a little attack for a little army... I was wrong. They had a huge fleet of tanks I needed to call in for reinforcements. My reinforcements came and we found out we needed to take out their factories. We went in to attack the factories we lost about 30 troops but we succeeded it. The mission to fight the Blue was over and we won that war. We decided to go over to my base to regroup with some allies to make the army even stronger. I was refuiled with 50 troops again. Chapter 5: The suprise. I went into battle again, this time against the Cyan army. They only had 50 soilders... no engineers or tanks just soilders. I went in thinking it was easy you know just like a regular war right... I was way off. I did not even think about what the turrets would do to my engineers, soilders, and tanks. But I found a weakness. I found out if I cut off the buildings attached to the turrets the power would turn off. I then did so. I destroyed the buildings near their turrets. I then attacked their soilders, which was waaaaaay to easy. I creamed them easily. I then returned to base to refill my troops up with 50 again. Chapter 6: The final battle. I then realized that all hostile forces were eleminated... so I went to attack the green troops. I did not realize that he was still alive... aparently he was as good as me but while I was attacking everyone he was staying in bay waiting for me to attack. He was all ready with reinforcements and airstrikes. I then went to attack him with all my force all my power and all my troops. I went the battle was fierce he killed 20 of my troops already but then I took down the turrets. I was up against their tanks and soilders. I lost all of my soilders. It was only the tanks and the engineers left. I was scared. But then I saw that I killed all of the soilders. So I quickly shot down their factories and he couldn't bring troops into the battle space. I killed his pylons and his main base. Chapter 7: The finishing war. The war was over I lost 160 troops that war... it was a disgusting field. All of those men died because of my cammand... I was terribly sorry for those who died for Robloxia. Me and the last 40 troops salute him. And now I think back and wonder... why did I do what I did. A true story by Humaniod May those who died for robloxia R.I.P.
#21217291Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:08 PM GMT

Where it happened: Warblox: advance What Army you were fighting for: greeen army What Weapons you had sniper c4 What happened got in a jeep headed for blue base planted c4 palled back then bang tank hit me leg lost my legs craling for help picked up a gun bam my arm blown clean off trying to tae cover blue guy comes up to me fires two shots bang bang 1 in the chest 1 in the head at last i was nomore dead gone from this earth
#21218572Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:59 PM GMT

Where it happened: WW2 What army we were fighting:red team what weapons you had:ump42 (or something i don,t renember) viper pistol what happen: our commander luke1910 send all of us to fight base back that has been taken by the reds when we arrive things were going crazy pepol were dieing the second i blink and i thought i was ggoing to die to so i hide behind a wall scared but then one of my freinds:marioman12353 apper and he told me not to fear and we can get pass this he helped me up and he gave me a medpack to heal just in case when we find our way in the base i slap my face to get my fear out of my body and i went in the red teams base plz go read the 2nd part...
#21236611Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

Where it happened:Karkand What Army:Blue base, 2 miles from green What weapons:M26 hunter, C4 I was scouting the green base when I saw some enemy patrol coming out. I quickly hid in a tent and consealed it. When I noticed they left, I opened the tent door, sneaked out, and found out some guards had stealth suits. So when I bumped into one, I knocked him out with my sniper. When I was finished with them, I planted the C4s on all the vehicles, ran out of the clearing, and their war machines were demolished. To oblivion. Smithereens. Devestated. I won the war...for now. -From the war journal of DeMax2
#21258907Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:06 AM GMT

Place:Warblox:Advanced Weapons:Sword,M26 Hunter Vehicle:None What army I was fighting for:Green What happened: My orders where to flank and take out the Blue AA.It was hard,cause everywhere was explosions...the blue soldier manning the gun was heavily armed including his partner.I ran over to the captain.We were both at posts behind a wall.I was facing the AA watching thigns explode while the captain get us safe from snipers behind us.It was terrifing,Cause next thing i knew i was alone.Everything around me was exploding,my captain was way ahead of me,trying to flank the AA,i quickly threw a smoke down for cover,i ran across to the other wall,a tens of hundreds studs away from my captain.My mission was dangerous...Next thing i knew i was dodging Explosions and my rifle was jammed.I wish i could tell you more,but the AA's partner got me with a sniper.