#21259873Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:23 AM GMT

where:vampire knites HQ wapons: my friend lavaman937 and a great sword story:there me and some other RAT mebers wer attacking the HQ for half an hour then most of the people in RAT levt me to and just huge fighting
#21260317Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:30 AM GMT

Where:Warblox Advanced Weapons:RdM5,hg12,smoke gernades Story:June 6th 2015.We where pushing the blues back but they countered us with a air raid.We use a heavy air on them.2 of our planes went down.I got in a plane took down 5 blues.I crashed in the town.I saw a blue tank.I throw 1 smoke gernade and then saw a convoy coming.I got in a jeep and went to there base.After 5 minutes of epic war.I died by a c4 trap.
#21298786Friday, February 19, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

Location of battle: Warblox Advance Weapons and supplies: Supply flare, airstrike flare, ST70 ATS, Deployable Cover, Sword, Kiro50, bazooka Army: Green My friend Henry and I were on patrol, sunddenly we saw another soldier, we didn't know what side he was on, "Star!" I yelled, "Don't shoot! I don't remmeber the flippin' countersign!" was the response. "The proper response is 'Texas,' soldier," right at that moment, a Blue tank came barreling towards us, we all ran in opposite directions. I took out my bazooka and shot the tank. It exploded the moment the rocket impacted on it's engine. I got back to base where I linked up with my friend and the guy who forgot the counter sign, he said "The name's Trevor, by the way," Henry was shot in the arm, but he was ok, he was waiting for me in the medical tent, and even today we still serve the Green Army today.
#21363661Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

Where: Warblox: Advance (In Winter Mode) Which Army: Green Army Weapons: Bazooka, ST70 ATS, Airstrike Radio, Supply Flare, C4, Deployable Cover, Repair Kit February Eighth Me and my squad were on patrol, we clambered over a barracade, found the wrecked Blue base, I put on my juggernaut suit, along with the others. We moved in, ST70s ready to go. That place was a total wreck, I radioed HQ, I said "The blue base was completely destroyed by our earlier airstrike, I doubt there's any survivors," the response was "You still might wanna check it out, Butcher Five. We're picking up thermal shapes on our scopes in the shape of human bodies," So we got closer... Soon we were coming across many disfigured bodies, many with really bad burns. We saw some Blues hiding under rubble with our thermal scopes, we tore away the cover, our response was "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SHOOT THEM!!! NOW!!!! KILL THEM!!!!" We opened fire. They used their weapons, but it had no affect on us, because of the juggernaut armor. We took them out easily. We heard on one of the Blue's radios that they were sending reinforcements, we sprinted back to base and manned the turrets. The reinforcements soon arrived at our base, we hammered them with artillery and heavy machineguns. We had one the battle. But not nessescarily the war.
#21503646Monday, February 22, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

Where: Advance Army: Blue Weapons: HG12, M56 Hunter, Medkit, C4 Corporal Mikaela Woods, Sniper 22 Februrary 2110 Me and Corporal Julia Wolfe were the last of our team. We were pinned down by gunners, and Julia was having trouble fixing the tank. It was getting annoying, especially since she'd been hitting on me since day one. A helicopter came overhead and started shooting. We just about made it. I'd taken a hit to the arm, but managed to fire my pistol at the fuel tank. The copter exploded and I managed to get the wound patched. We got tp the building and I started sniping. Julia fired her RPG at the enemy's fuel depot. It exploded, giving us time to move in and take the rest of them down. The last one had fallen when we realised: it was over. The sun rose and we went back to based to radio HQ. We went home, knowing we'd hopefully never have to fight again. Once we got home... well, that's another story.
#21687243Friday, February 26, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Where it happened: Warblox: advance What Army you were fighting for: Green Army What Weapons you had M26 hunter, Sword, Pistol, Granades What happened: All of my team-mates (if you could call them that) had abandoned me. i was on my last box of ammunition when i heard the sound of un-greased tank axels, and heard the Blue scum talk of their win over my glorius Green nation, so i peeked up over the r emains of the long exploded jeep i was taking cover behind, and saw that it was merely 2 Blues, so i took them out with two headshots and threw a granade in the hatch to destroy it. when I did that i guess I activated an alarm or something because the rest of the Blues came over the nearst ridge, 40 jeeps, 20 more tanks, and then 10 Blue jets streaked over my head launching missiles all missing flinging up dirt in my face so i retreated back to my base and opened fire opon the blues, 4/5 kills where headshots ,and after i had killed 200 of the footsoldiers, 40 of the jeeps 10 of the tanks and 5 of the jets my ammo ran out so I got out my pistol and fired on the foot-soldiers, killing about 20 more of them the pistol's ammo ran out too, I then said "well this sword won't do any good". I then jumped in a jet and flew back to the Green capitol to tell the president of my battle, and hoping of a nice hot bath and a day or two to just rest.
#21720565Saturday, February 27, 2010 10:26 AM GMT

Where it happened advance What Army you were fighting for blue army What Weapons you had m26 hunter sword pistol granades What happened [Of course] i had someone on my team but then they went for green i saw green in a building and i shot all of them with my sniper rifle making them leave it wasint much but it was epic
#21720617Saturday, February 27, 2010 10:30 AM GMT

Where it happened advance What Army you were fighting for blue What Weapons you had same as above What happened [Of course] A jet was flying towards me trying to kill me and i dodged the first two shots then i somehow shot the hunter straight at the person nearly killing him then he shot more shots which again missed but thenn i shot the plane straight in the engine destroying it with only 5 shots
#21769228Sunday, February 28, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

Solar Conquest Cothran Army Rocket launcher, lazer gun The leader of Cothran wanted to have a meeting with the plannet leaders. I was a security guard at the time, even though i had Great flying skills. I arrived at the meeting plannet, where the council house was. All the leaders, as well as the press showed up on there. The meeting was about to get started when, out of nowhere, a green plane(cothran) started attacking.. All the leaders died exept cothrans leader. I survived seeing plane werkage of a red fighter, and seeing a blue fighter engaging the attacking green plane. I was resqued by Forothians, and was token home. To this day, i dont know why green attacked....
#21781625Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:16 AM GMT

Where it happened; WarBlox; Advance. What force; Green Team. Weapons; R-70 and a sword. What occured; I was on patrol duty at our main base when I heard gunshots in the distance. Flares started to rise on the horizon in quick succesion, quite soon the gunshots stopped and I could see on the horizon men running at fall speed towards our base. I identified them as friendlies and welcomed them into the base, we quickly set-up defensive positions and launched a patrol out in no-man's-land. I was on that patrol. We stopped to rest after about an hour when bullets started flying past our heads. Two men were hit, but me and the surviving four tokk cover behind some boulders. We killed three before we fell-back to our main base. That night we were again attacked, this time in force by twelve enemy soldiers. For half an hour we held on even hand to hand combat occured. We left ten hostiles dead on the field while the other two fled in terror. This battle enabled us to move forward and take a base. End statistics; Green: 13 kills inflicted, 3 sustained. Blue: 3 inflicted, 13 sustained. From the combat report of Pvt. Lupus.
#21799122Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

Where: Warblox Advance What Army: Blue Weapons: ST70, sword,medkit What happened: well i was flying in the plane wen a heli was approaching so i crashed into it but 1 second before i crashed i jumped out. after the crash i landed on the heli's wing. it barely took damage. so i started shooting the pilot with the ST70 (note: this was my second day of playing and the first day i had gunner shirt) and he started taking damage. so he kamikazied the plane. he died and his passenger died. but i was still on his wing the wing started to fall and wen it landed on flat land, i died. Glad as a fat man with porkchops,my team started cheering because it was one kil they needed to prove to greens that they werent noobs. then i shouted "Im 3p1cly 4w35ome" and the pilot of the heli said "omg". then i shouted" 3p1c f41l". and that was it.
#22043463Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

area warblox advance testing army:green weapons:tw7 rocket launcher what happend my entire sqaud was under fire constant sniper bullets rianed down my good freind darkedan45 was shot in the head as quickly as i could chat i called for jet suport what came was not what i suspected the ejt cmae to be shot down by enemy aa now debris were flyign no us me and my last man (guest something) we chagre the enemy guets was tkaing down by a tnak so used my mw7 to blow ti to pieces and we conquerd the enemy forward base!
#22285361Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

how did you find that place i want to go there
#22352528Friday, March 12, 2010 3:13 PM GMT

Where it happened: Conquest IV Beta What army you were fighting for: Yellow What weapons you had: Abilities tool, Game tool What happened The war was bloody as the red roses. The war... well we lost about 200 men. Heres what happened... Me and privatryan were out on the battle field. We had to kill green, blue, purlple. At the beginning of the war well we were just making troops. when all of a sudden the blue army came and attacked ryan. I quickly sent my army of tanks and engineers out to fight blue... well we won that war. I quickly after ran over the blue army and kill all his troops his city his men. He deserved it... but after I saw that private ryan was getting attacked again this time he lost his barrack and factory. I swarmed over and killed all his men with my troops of 31. after the war again 51 well we won again but I had only 20 left. I told ryan to cammand my troops... but his tool wasn't working. I tried to get reinforcments there quickly but then another wave of purple came at me... it was so bloody. I lost my troops... but when all hope was lost for private ryan... WOOSH!!! my reinforcements came and wiped him out... I then relized that puprle was a threat so I quickly sent my reinforcements out to kill him and we did. Green well he was easy... it was a guest who only seted up pylons... so I just came in with my tanks and engineers and killed him. The war was over I quickly went to privatryans base... he couldn't kill me... I wanted to give the win to him but... he had no troops... he had to kill himself. I said "NOOOOOOOOOO!!! PRIVATRYAN!" but it was too late. In the end the battle for Robloxia was over... I lost 150 men that day and privatryan lost 50. It was over... it was all over.
#22405596Saturday, March 13, 2010 2:55 PM GMT

#22461912Sunday, March 14, 2010 7:26 AM GMT

Where: Pripyate, Urkaine When: 1977 during an intense river/lake battle Who: With Cpt. Creaton in the S.A.S Weapons: Mp5, Usb, and an M21 A-cog (opptional) Mission: To take out a Russian/Soviet Nuclear Power Rod Exchange informant (N.P.R.E) Advantages: Ghille suit, NV (night vision), Heat senser, HeartBreak G.p.S laptop, and a M2-031 Gernadier Story so far: Me and Cpt. Creaton work our way around Nuclear Radiation Patches (N.R.P) and take out any Boggies (bowgies) (especially chargers) headed our way.When we get to a regrouping station we hi-jack a Robtic Senser (R.S) to scout ahead. When we get half way through... a Focuser Boggie (F.B) spots my foot print. He calls his men over. Then the unexpected happens... To Be Continued....
#22462220Sunday, March 14, 2010 7:41 AM GMT

Contiueing the Pripyate, Urkaine snipe out... A C-4 from our last attack that we lost the detantor exploded on an oil tanker. All the helis fell and we were on our way. Once to the half way mark, we encountered 5 Wild War Dogs (W.W.D) chowing down on a Russian/Soviet pilot and his passengers. I set up a trap. I gave the dogs some food and lured them into a cage. I made a recording tape with my HeartBreak sound recorder and turned my drill on. I placed a fake M-249 Saw on the gate and wrapped it up in Steel Covering Sheet. (S.C.S) We hid behind cover. A group of Attacking Group Boggies (A.G.B) grabbed the M-Saw and the dogs ate their guts out. I had a smirk on my face. Soon three quarters of the way, i got hurt. I fell over a peice of T-34 armor plate. It hit my kidney. We stayed for 10 minutes. We bearly escaped a group of T-74's. With only 809 meters left we set up a camera. I loaded it on my HeartBreak. When we got to the hotel and got up to our postition with the M18A4 50cal. Sniper i started to look for my target. Soon i saw him and his body gaurds. I zoomed in with my Auto-Juster (A.J). Then something bad happend... To Be Contiued......
#22545396Monday, March 15, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

i was charging across the battle field when all of or a sudden 2 tank appeared of the hill. i called for an air strike. so I had to hold them till it came. i was shooting them and the shot and i lost an arm i was thinking there was no way i could get out of this then the air stike came and saved me.
#22880626Monday, March 22, 2010 12:40 PM GMT

Where it Happened:Warblox----Advance What Weapon:V26ATS,HG15,sword. Army:Blue What Happend:(look down) Well,me and my friends (cole3 and jboy6281,) were under light cover,and under HEAVY AA fire, (as you know it can nail ground troops too,) and I asked:Does anyone have a grenade?!,and none of my friends said yes,so I thought "What should I do now." When suddenly BOOOM! Then I heard someone scream and saw one of my comrads down.So I got my friend to heal him (which took about I guess 3 medic packs,) Then I asked jboy if he was gonna live and he said:"Yes,but he needs to stay out of combat",so I got a Helicopter to pick him up.He was then flown to base.I foolishely ran into the barrage of fire jumping and ducking then I got to HEAVY cover so technically,those shots were useless against my cover then I got a plan:Run to the base,regen a tank then blow the AA to pieces so I did,then I fired shots and one foolish green tried to kill me by climbing on the tank,but he got run over,I finished the AA,and it was over. (Greens had 5 casaulties and 10 wounded) (we only had 1 wounded thanks to the rest of the highly-expierienced soldiers.
#23172083Sunday, March 28, 2010 1:31 PM GMT

egg me eg me eg me egg me
#23387911Thursday, April 01, 2010 5:23 PM GMT

I downed the informant but a group of Attack Helis (AH-A5) spread everywhere. We rappeled down and fled to an open area. We knocked most of the boggies out. Just when a tanker exploded, we got to cover. We crawled through an appartment. Then one of the AH-A5s came around the corner. When it bursted to flames it came right twards my partner. He said: "Bloody he11! My leg is broken." I had to carry him the rest of the way. We set up a defence area. I used an M-249 Saw and downed 55 enemies. Then our UH-60L Black Hawk entered our area. Soon we were home. 7 days later they were put out to battle again and won the iraqi freedom mission The End -By lordnathan135
#23470815Friday, April 02, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

Where it happened Warblox Advance What Army you were fighting for Green What Weapons you had Hunter,Sword,HG What happened Well it all started when my squad 3 men ( Me,Kyts,SMDoom ) Were on patrol when all off the sudden we get a Horrific yell from our radios we turn around and see our base in flames and in ruin. I quickly got my sniper out and shot the fuel tank on the copter that was bombing it but it was to late everyone was dead. Out of nowhere a enemy plane appeared and started to fly toward us "Squad Get to cover!" I yelled SMDoom and Kyts ducked behind some rocks and fired i stood in the open i concintrated on the head of the enemy and just when he was about to fire he found a bullet in his head. Kyts and SMDoom got out from behind the rocks and asked me if i was okay I was shot in the left arm and in the right leg but the rest i was fine all of the sudden a green transport plane crashed we ran over to check out the damage. There were only 2 survivors they were named Charles2074 and his little brother cool122333 we all marched and we saw the blue base Charles:We'll never get in. Kyts:Hes right theres no way SMDoom i have to agree cool:Can we just go home. Me:Well....I have a plan Next thing you know we were dressed as blues in no time flat we had cleaned out their base. We had won the battle but not the war. After we radioed the green command we were all friends.
#23519909Saturday, April 03, 2010 2:18 AM GMT

Where it happened: Ultimate Rebels Outpost Mitch Army: Ultimate Rebels What Weapons you had: SVD, M4A1 What happened: Ultimate Rebels were fighting a small hostile clan on the beach front wtih no cover. Me and my men were outnumbered as bullets flew in the air. Then it happened. The sky gods helped us out an slaughtered the enemy. The End.
#23718949Monday, April 05, 2010 6:45 PM GMT

Where it happened: FEAR Rec Center What Army: United Clan of ROBLOX (UCR) Weapons: Fists; Pistol What happened: The UCR, led by Benblue9, and FEAR, led by SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX, had been at war for months. A deadly battle was going on at FEAR's recruitment center. FEAR was winning. So Ben and I formed a plan. We would drive the Scorpion Tank into the Weapons Closet and grab an RPG. He drove straight to that closet. I was to use my fists and punch off FEAR soldiers and UCR traitors. We got to the closet in no time flat. But there weren't any RPG's. There was only 1 pistol. Ben took off in the Tank. That meant I, with no armor whatsoever, was stuck with a pistol. I had no idea what caliber it had, so I just grabbed a random box of bullets and raced to a secret area that no one, not even SONIC, knew about. I loaded the bullets(actually they were shotgun shells) and fired. With shells in there, it was easy to fight off FEAR. But I accidentally shot my radio transmitter. Because of that, I couldn't hear Ben and ThePhantomHourglass call a retreat for all troops. I had no signal. Luckily, Ben did a head count. One (me) was missing. Ben yelled, "We forgot Speed!" and turned his troops around. Meanwhile, I was pummeling the FEAR soldiers. But my shells were running out. I had fired my last shot at a general. After that, it was back to the ol' fists. We raced out of there once I had given a blow to the leader. Then the Rec Center got hit by lightning, injuring everyone in there and killing 37% of them. FEAR lost millions of ROBUX to attempt to fund a new Rec Center. They failed. And now, that failure is putting the economy of FEAR in jeopardy. The UCR still will not stop. Only one weapon may be able to attack the core of FEAR directly, as well as the tough armor surrounding it: Rickroll.
#24159119Monday, April 12, 2010 6:18 PM GMT

Where it happened - WarBlox: Advance What Army you were fighting for - Blue What Weapons you had - Pistol, Sword, and 3 Frags What happened ------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a chilly day, me and my friend, Gerbil768, were just in the coldest of place... We were looking for this "Assassin"... Gerbil decided to stay in the base near the Green's Main Base... I went ahead... I saw enemy sights, so I fired and fired, then killed and killed... I decided it was time to return to base, so I climbed up the ladder on the abandoned house, looking out for Enemy Patrol... Before my eyes, I saw a Sword flash before me, then... I layed on the floor in my puddle of blood, with my head off, not saying a darn word...