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#200738348Monday, October 31, 2016 12:25 AM GMT

FH:TL Official Team Owners and Division Standings AFC: 1. Iron Hollow Razors (2-0) Owner: Kyretra 1. Eden's Angels (2-0) Owner: LimitedEarth 2. Calford Cupids (0-2) Owner: DesiredDimes 2. Northern Freeze (0-2) Owner: Senstro55 NFC: 1. Nordvik Blizzards (2-0) Owner: dragonblz 1. Barton Bruisers (2-0) Owner: Oilmeupdaddy 2. Milky Way Invaders (1-1) Owner: XxKenohxX 3. Deathly Hollow Rabbits (0-2) Owner: PlatinumWinner *Updated Weekly*

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