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#200750277Monday, October 31, 2016 7:16 AM GMT

[RANKS] Head Coach: - Sign players and train them for upcoming games. - Host as many practices as possible. - Host pre-game before every game. - Teach learning players the ropes and how to improve overall, build the future of ro-football. - Host events for the entire league at your stadium, such as 3v3s, scrimmages, etc. - Keep and sustain your team's activity. - Recruit members to the league, (friends, acquaintances, strangers.) - Build trust and friendship among your roster, form bonds. Athletics Chancellor: - Do everything listed for Head Coaches. - Hire an active an capable Head Coach to guide your team. Moderator: - Appear at games and assist officials [referee, media, etc.] in any way. - Fix the shout, keeping important information in the shout, fixing overshouts, removing unnecessary shouts. - Watch the wall, report any problems to the Chairman or a Commissioner. - Make creative and interesting forums for the league's members to read, such as predictions, power rankings, overalls, etc. - Host events at their respective stadiums, including PUGs, scrimmages, 3v3s, etc. - Recruit members to the league, aim for quality players and learners. Executive Board: - Do everything listed for Moderators. - Watch and guide the Moderators, assure they do not abuse any power (report to the Chairman or a Commissioner.] Co-Commissioners: - Do everything listed for Moderators. - Watch and guide the Executive Board & Moderators, assure they do not abuse any power (report to the Chairman or a Commissioner.] - Develop stadiums, scripts, fields, etc. for the league, keeping things fresh and interesting. Commissioner: - Do everything listed for Co-Commissioners. - Rid the wall of any advertisements, spam, phish links, etc. - Command the league, watch over everyone and everything. - Charge, suspend, or debar members who commit illegal activity. - Appear at a majority of games, manage it. - Share suggestions and ideas, advise and communicate with the Chairman. Chairman: - Assure Commissioners are clean, keep things steady. - Everything possible. [DEPARTMENT HEADS] Media Department Head: - Hire a crew of capable media workers. - Teach, guide, command, and train the media crew, ensure they're prepared for games. - Encourage members to create forums [predictions, power rankings, overalls, etc.] and ensure they make the shout. - Appear at as many games as possible. Referee Department Head: - Hire a crew of capable referees. - Teach, guide, command, and train the referee crew, prep for games. - Appear at, and head referee as many games as possible. - Assist the Chairman and Commissioner(s) with reviewing games, suspensions, etc. ~ (NCAA) [Atlantic Coast Conference] ~

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