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#200766017Monday, October 31, 2016 9:00 PM GMT

Roblox is a great platform. It has many fun games and a great development studio for aspiring developers. Recently, Roblox has gotten more attention and more people joining; which is great. However, the Roblox community has a negative reputation. The community is considered "toxic" and very unwelcoming according to many. This can turn off many people from joining Roblox. A community is one of the building blocks of any game. Especially with Roblox, where multiplayer is in almost every game, a toxic community can seriously affect the entire platform. Minecraft is an example of what a toxic community can do. Roblox has much potential to change. With many moderators and active live streams that include the community, I'm sure Roblox can improve their community. A problem I see is that there is a general cynicism that the Roblox "higher-ups" are not doing anything or keep breaking the game. This cynicism is what leads to straight up negativity. A solution to this would be to strengthen the bond between admin and player. Many people think of Roblox admins as gods or some higher being (you can see this as an example by following any Roblox admin into a game), this sort of thinking should be stopped. Roblox has done well in keeping its developers by recognizing them and giving them easy access to communication (the Roblox devforums). In the same way that developers are recognized by Roblox, the community also needs that recognition. Keeping a constant interaction between players and admins whether it be through forums, games, or live streams can keep the community activity high. Keeping the community updated is VERY crucial. This can prevent rumors from spreading and can stop a lot of cynicism the community has towards Roblox. Rumors can be dangerous. Take No Man's Sky as an example: because Hello Games did not make any effort to update their players, the rumors that surrounded No Man's Sky became accepted as reality and brought the game's reputation down a lot. I'm sure there are many other solutions that can be implemented to improve the Roblox community. Post your ideas by replying to this thread. Let's strive for a better Roblox!
#200766140Monday, October 31, 2016 9:04 PM GMT

#200766314Monday, October 31, 2016 9:08 PM GMT

Basically, just help improve the Roblox community and post some ideas as a reply to this thread on how that can be achieved.
#200766881Monday, October 31, 2016 9:21 PM GMT

Moderation is what ROBLOX NEED to be FIXED. It drive innocent people(those who were banned innocently) away because of that poor moderation. Thus, letting the guilty one scot free. Community, it cannot be fixed. If ROBLOX do not fix themselves, so the community. That is what may drive them.(probably?) Community.. Some or most of them are not patience with new people, again that may drive people away. Oh, do I forget to mention that, they once mention in one of their article that they'd update something for groups, years later, empty promises. Community within war groups, are hit quite hard by ROBLOX Update while non-war groups can thrive without a problem. Tix removal cause uniform to diminish within the community, especially veterans, some groups willing to spend some of their R$ for those who can't afford uniform.
#200767251Monday, October 31, 2016 9:31 PM GMT

Blocksland has a great community, but few players, about 20m.
#200772778Monday, October 31, 2016 11:58 PM GMT

Perhaps moderation does need more fixing. However, I believe both Roblox and the current community of Roblox need to make an effort to improve.

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