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#200830272Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:10 PM GMT

Hello all, I would like to address a problem with a few (a lot of) people selling items for lower than the original sale price. Keep in mind through this, I am trying to inform you so that you will understand my suggestion at the end. If lets say, ROBLOX releases a new limited item, not yet in private selling and it costs, lets say 1.5 k (1,500 robux). Now, I'm sure you waited a long time or worked pretty hard to make that much robux, so if you were to buy that item and only a small amount of people like maybe 1000 bought it too, you'd want to be able to make that money back and then some if you were to sell it. So, now in our hypothetical scenario, the item is on private selling and you want to sell it to maybe get your 1,500 robux back and maybe a little more. ROBLOX ##### ### ## what you earn from selling or anything like that, and it usually shows the total amount you are getting with that ######### counted. So would you sell the item for anything less than the original sale price even to make exactly what you spent back? No, because you'd still have lost money. You shouldn't be selling the items for that low! It kind of damages other people who have it, you selling it for less than the original price not only harms yourself, but people who may be trying to trade it since the RAP of the item will also change. Other sellers also are affected, especially if you are the seller at the top of the list (which means you are selling it for the lowest price of everyone else), they now have to make less as well because you lowered the bar. Remember how I said earlier that only a low number like 1,000 other people also bought the item? Well if an item isn't that common, then it should be worth a LOT more. A good example is the Sword of Eternal Abyss ( https://www.roblox.com/catalog/532254782/Sword-of-the-Eternal-Abyss ) and Overseer Warlord Sword, I don't get why it is lower than its original price since it is an overseer item but that's how it is ( https://www.roblox.com/catalog/483308034/Overseer-Warlords-Sword ). My suggestion should be a little clear now: Don't sell items for a price that is lower than the original sale price! Thank you if you read this whole thing.
#200830372Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:13 PM GMT

Forgot to edit the tags so this is what each tag was: First one was "takes 30 % of"* Second was "amount"*.
#200830558Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:18 PM GMT

I think ROBLOX + does this, correct?
#200830642Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:21 PM GMT

Does what?
#200831019Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:32 PM GMT

People can sell items for whatever price they want, if no-one's going to buy it for it's original price then people need to sell it lower to get it sold. All this does is restrict players, also bare in mind that ROBLOX has no obligation to help people who are trading since trading is trading, all they do is move the robux to different players, not create more or less robux. One player always loses a trade and one player always wins (robux-wise, at least). "I think ROBLOX + does this, correct?" That doesn't matter... If roblox+ warns you about this then that's good but it won't do anything about the item's value or demand. I also hate people who say "roblox+ does it" on S&I, it's a third party PLUG-IN for goodness sake.
#200831307Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:40 PM GMT

stand that they can sell for what price they want, and I do get that sometimes you do need to go below all prices to get your money, but I mean you don't need to go 300 or 500 below the lowest price, then it becomes a bit of a problem for the other owners. In response to your second message, I never said ROBLOX has any obligation, this is all up to the players / users. I am not trying to stop that one player from always losing a trade, I am trying to maybe make the amount of RAP they lose from the sellers lowering the price a little smaller. Thank you for replying.
#200831345Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:41 PM GMT

correction to my first sentence "I understand"*
#200831482Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:44 PM GMT

Not sure where some of the confusion is coming from, but this suggestion is aimed at the players of ROBLOX, not ROBLOX itself.
#200831786Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:51 PM GMT

Not sure where some of the confusion is coming from, but this suggestion is aimed at the players of ROBLOX, not ROBLOX itself.
#200831967Wednesday, November 02, 2016 6:55 PM GMT

"stand that they can sell for what price they want, and I do get that sometimes you do need to go below all prices to get your money, but I mean you don't need to go 300 or 500 below the lowest price, then it becomes a bit of a problem for the other owners. In response to your second message, I never said ROBLOX has any obligation, this is all up to the players / users. I am not trying to stop that one player from always losing a trade, I am trying to maybe make the amount of RAP they lose from the sellers lowering the price a little smaller. Thank you for replying." If it's far below the proper price then it'll quickly be "sniped" and it'll just be an outlier but if that equates to it's demand/rarity, only then will it be a problem, in which case it's good that people are selling it for that price because that's the only way that anyone will buy it. "I never said ROBLOX has any obligation, this is all up to the players / users." Then you're saying that the users have an obligation. "I am not trying to stop that one player from always losing a trade, I am trying to maybe make the amount of RAP they lose from the sellers lowering the price a little smaller. " Both of those things have the exact same moral idea; "Oh no, poor kids who don't know how the economy works. Let's make sure that they don't lose too much!". The RAP doesn't disappear, trading is about moving things, it's not robbery (unless you scam someone about your trade). "Not sure where some of the confusion is coming from, but this suggestion is aimed at the players of ROBLOX, not ROBLOX itself." Then get out. S&I is for making suggestions to the roblox staff, go suggest this on LMAD or something, it still won't make any difference at all though. Stop being triggered about what happened to you then jumping into the wrong complaints department.
#200832312Wednesday, November 02, 2016 7:04 PM GMT

The players have no obligation, it is the player's CHOICE to sell for how they like. The RAP does lower on the item because of the price. Yes, it is my fault for posting on the wrong forum, sorry. I'm very far from being triggered or feeling sorry. None of this was a complaint, was more of a suggestion who knew less about how it works than you would. Thank you for being so very kind, and sorry for posting this on the wrong page, having Suggestions in the name misled me.
#200832378Wednesday, November 02, 2016 7:05 PM GMT

lol people can sell limiteds for whatever price they want id rather have limiteds fail but be bought than be high and never be bought
#200832485Wednesday, November 02, 2016 7:08 PM GMT

OK but understand that posting this ANYWHERE won't get you very far. If you want to not lose robux, then just think about the mentality of people seeing the item when it's limited; would you buy it?
#200832552Wednesday, November 02, 2016 7:10 PM GMT

LMAD again. r+://395731061
#200833024Wednesday, November 02, 2016 7:23 PM GMT

They already can do that
#200856560Thursday, November 03, 2016 4:09 AM GMT

I was just wondering about R+ ROBLOX could benefit from this if they did it themselves though.

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