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#201064618Sunday, November 06, 2016 8:51 PM GMT

Alright I'll briefly explain what I'm asking for here in really simplistic terms so the majority can understand it. Games can use this thing called FilteringEnabled to stop hackers from changing the game on other people's screens. This is a good thing, it makes it more difficult for exploiters to annoy people. That being said, if you insert an object called a "Weld", this bypasses the filtering system, and allows you to once again annoy others by moving blocks/models/other players around. I am asking for ROBLOX to add these Weld objects to what FilteringEnabled prevents against. This will stop exploiters from messing with/teleporting you around some of your favorite games. So, to put it simply: Support if you're sick of exploiters and want an actual way to help combat them.
#201066986Sunday, November 06, 2016 9:17 PM GMT

support, it's too easy for someone to stick a weld and ruin a map
#201067126Sunday, November 06, 2016 9:18 PM GMT

If welds were introduced under FilteringEnabled, wouldn't this break some games that rely on welds?

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