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#201068651Sunday, November 06, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

I say when you make a forum post it should notify you when someone replies because, when your the person who replies on a post and then the forum owner never responds. It's like they create a forum for people to chat it up! Also if your not active on your forum for 10 days, your forum should be deleted so other uncalled people "unpopular" may get a change for there forums to be viewed. Thank You
#201068968Sunday, November 06, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

No, i dont like the idea. It just seems like it would be a ######### Also, if you have many forum posts, then it would get annoying to keep track of them and an important and well supported thread could get deleted. The notification would just cause a bit if chaos if you are active on many forums ## #### #### to 1000- post 967

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