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Forum Moderator
#20144693Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:08 AM GMT

These are users of Roblox who are at least 16 who get a chance to help the Administrators. Tasks: -Answer Roblox customer service e/m/a/i/l/s (they would read the i/n/b/o/x from the oldest messages to the newest ones, whereas the Customer Service Staff would read the i/n/b/o/x from the newest to the oldest, so they would help eachother out) -Moderate every aspect of the site (they would not be allowed to deal with report lists unless they are over the a/g/e of 18. They can ban people, but they can not IP ban anyone or delete an account.) -Create hats, gear, heads, faces, etc -Help organize contests and other events Minimum requirements to become one: -You must be at least 16 -You can not have had an account deleted on your IP -You must have been a member of Roblox for at least 3 years -You must have not been banned frequently -You must have written parental permission to become one (if you are under 18) -You must be helpful, nice patient, responsible, and mature -You must have at least a B- in every class in school Reccomended requirements to become one (you do not HAVE to fulfill these requirements, but they may help your chances): -Be a forum moderator -Have good, popular places (not just popular places, but GOOD places) -Be active on the forums -Have records of previous work in CGA (computer graphics & animation) -Have all A's in school How to get the position: You sign up by filling out the form, and to increase your chances you can e/ m/a/i/l additional information to jobs [AT] roblox. /c/o/m. The administrators will read your application, and unless they immediately reject it, they will observe your behavior on Roblox for two months. If you have behaved properly, and had not gotten banned at all in that two month period, the Administrators would then make you a Junior Administration A-Team Member. This means you are new to the Junior Administration, and you would be limited in what you could do. For the first month, you could not moderate or answer customer service /e/ /m/a/i/l/s, you could only upload hats and gear (that would be approved by the admins). If you get through that month without doing something seriously wrong, they would allow you to moderate the site and answer customer service /e/ /m/a/i/l/s, but you could not ban anybody yet. If you successfully completed that month, they would give you all of the powers but still closely observe you for another month, and if you get through that successfully, they would give you the official title of Junior Administrator and they would start p/ay/ing you. P/aym/ent: -You would be p/a/id for every e/m/a/i/l you answered, and for every gear or hat you make. -If you are under 18, the m/on/ey must be sent into your parent's b/a/n/k account. -You will not be p/ay/ed for the first 3 months of Junior Administration, because you would be in the A-Team, being tested and observed to make sure it is safe for you to have the position. -You would be p/a/y/e/d a d/o/l/l/a/r for every e/m/a/i/l you answered, ten d/o/l/l/a/rs for every hat you made, and thirty do/l/l/a/rs for every gear you made. -Every month, if you work hard, answer a lot of e /m/a/i/ls, diligently moderate, and make a bunch of great hats and gears, you will get a d/o/l/l/a/r raise. -The maximum amount you can get p/a/y/e/d for answering each e/m//ail is 7 d/ol/l/ars, the maximum amount you can get p/a/y/e/d for every hat you make is 50 d/o/l/l/a/r/s, and the maximum amount you can get p/a/y/e/d for every gear you make is 75 d/o/l/l/a/r/s. Job requirements: -You must answer at least 1 customer service e/ m/a/i/l a month -You must follow and uphold all roblox rules, and you must never get banned or warned yourself. -You must respect other users and be patient with them at all times. -You must respect the staff - this means if someone ranked higher than you tells you to do something, do it, just as long as it wouldn't violate any rules. -If you tell anyone ranked lower than you to do something, you must do it politely and it must be something reasonable. You can never ask a member to do something for you. -You agree that if you abuse your powers or violate a rule, you will be fired. Notes: This is a work when you want job. The Roblox staff never forces you to work daily, but you must get something done each month. You only HAVE to answer one customer service e/ /m/a/i/l a month to keep your job, but if the staff sees you doing this repeatedly month after month, if they could find someone to replace you who would get more work done, they would. For Junior Administrators who are over 18: You have access to all report lists. You get p/a/y/e/d for every hour you moderate (read reports and deal with them). You get p/a/y/e/d about 50 d/o/l/l/a/rs an hour for moderation. If you do a great job of it, you can get up to a 10 d/o/l/l/a/r raise every month, and you may get promoted to the Moderation A-Team and eventually Super Moderator. ------ All feedback is accepted, whether positive or negative. Thank you for taking the time to read this. -SCS
#20144858Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:11 AM GMT

School work wouldn't have any effect on what ROBLOX does. No, moderation is invite only, if this happened, there would be too many people running around making pointless hats and gear. Also, on the foo chance this did happen, you would not get paid because ROBLX doesn't have that kind of money.
#20144887Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:12 AM GMT

Wow cool
#20145097Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:16 AM GMT

as said above, school has absolutly nothing to do with this game. and also, no to the bans too, it aint that hard to have a temper tantrum aat any age, then they could go and ban everybody...over and over...
#20145221Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

This will not eventualy happen, you need to be 18 OR OLDER to be an administrator. All of most moderators and administrators are adult's, and by doing this, will equal a very worse omen.
#20145304Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:21 AM GMT

#20145375Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:23 AM GMT

No. If you want to be an admin of this game, apply after you finish the necessary classes in College.
Forum Moderator
#20151929Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:20 PM GMT

School may not have anything to do with the gameplay, but if I were David.Baszucki I wouldn't want to hire someone with bad grades, I would want to hire someone with good grades, which shows that they are probably smart and capable of handling a real job.
Forum Moderator
#20152071Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:28 PM GMT

Also, you wouldn't have to commute to the Roblox Offices to be a Junior Administrator, you could work remotely. But, you would have to be checked that you aren't a state offender and that you don't have an extreme and/or recent criminal record.
#20152167Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:33 PM GMT

30 dollaz per geer? 1 doller PER EMAYL? no terryble idea no monee only voluntear unpaed werk
Forum Moderator
#20152179Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:34 PM GMT

@jinwarior We all have our opinions.
#20152408Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:46 PM GMT

i don't approve the the b-c thing... i am the worst at science
#20152460Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:48 PM GMT

Just a few quick notes about the grades aspect: Einstein failed at public schools. I scored 142 on the MENSA tests but made bad grades because some (like myself) do not learn well from redundancy/repetition. I have seen `Honor Students` with consistant `straight A's` throw some publicly embarrasing tantrums, mainly because they likely take things too personally or become too seriously competative. I have seen `adults` well into even their 60's who are more ban-happy and immature than many children I know. Many people with different forms of Autism and Attention Defficit will likely score low in school, but have exceptional aptitude in more specific areas of expertese. Overall, I do not think it is a good idea. Any forms of administration, `Junior` or otherwise should be by invitation only and based on observed behaviours and knowledgable desire to help.
#20152937Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:13 PM GMT

the way of the economy right now, jobs are a pain in the butt to find, i dubt they would give more jobs out. if they have extra money then great but the economy is not no going so easy. in a few year probably but yeah but right now its just hard. although its a good idea but it wont work at the moment
#20154611Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:49 PM GMT

It's terrible that you've written all that, because it will NEVER happen. Admins are people who work at ROBLOX HQ as a REAL job.
#20170588Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:50 PM GMT

jake has a point...
#20170727Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:52 PM GMT

Admins are payed, just get an intership at Roblox.
#20171759Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:07 PM GMT

The pay would bankrupt roblox and you should make it 14 and over and instead of money after a certain amount of time they can get free BC
#20171813Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

more thanb likely they have a job in digital arts or animtion, etc. real jobs and I agree with jake and the other guy that agreed with him. we need some kind of training to get into these things and experience. that proves my point.
Forum Moderator
#20171993Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:11 PM GMT

@Cha0sZen Thanks for your input on the grades aspect, and I agree with you there. But, in Roblox, only forum moderation is invite only. Everything else is a real job that you are payed for that you can sign up to be if you are over 18. My suggestion will make it possible for younger people to get more opportunities to remotely work with Roblox.
Forum Moderator
#20172028Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:11 PM GMT

@BlueTaslem My idea will make it possible for people UNDER 18 to hold an administration position remotely, without having to have programming knowledge.
Forum Moderator
#20172165Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:14 PM GMT

@Unknowngonewild No, I chose 16+ for the following reasons: -To stay as legal as possible -16+ year olds are (sometimes) more capable of being mature and responsible Also, since this is intended to be a real, paying job. Roblox would ensure that they wouldn't go bankrupt by not hiring too many Junior Administrators, probably 7-10 at the most.
#20172238Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

think of it this way INTRENSHIP
Forum Moderator
#20172245Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

@HykarouShiiara Hmm, you may be right. The economy is definitely in bad shape.
Forum Moderator
#20172290Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

@poiuy88 This is different than internship. Internship is for people over 18 who are currently in college. This gives younger people to have an oportunity to remotely work with Roblox without having to have programming knowledge.

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