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#202063323Monday, November 21, 2016 12:19 AM GMT

OFFICIAL DOCUMENT OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE. -ARTICLE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME BY THE COMMAND STAFF- PLEASE FILL OUT FULL FORM, THEN SEND IT TO THE CHIEF. THE FORM WILL BE READ AND ACCEPTED WITHIN 48 HOURS. IF THIS FORM IS NOT COMPLETE, AN IMMEDIATE DENIAL WILL TAKE PLACE. COPY AND PASTE TEXT BELOW, THEN FILL OUT IN A PM TO THE CHIEF. ANY ANSWERS UNDER TWO SENTENCES WILL NOT COUNT. Past Username(s): Preferred Division: Question 1: Why do you want to be accepted into the WRPS? Question 2: Why are you better than other candidates? Question 3: What experience do you have? (Include ranks, clans, groups, etc.) Question 4: Who are your previous employers? Question 5: What is a J-turn? Question 6: Your partner is at gunpoint. What do you do? Question 7: You have stopped a vehicle and you are walking back to your Cruiser. The suspect opens fire upon you, what do you do? Question 8: You are attempting to arrest a suspect and a child comes out of the next room with a firearm. What do you do? Chief EXEMPLODUCEMUS
#202063710Monday, November 21, 2016 12:24 AM GMT

hello id like to join
#202070775Monday, November 21, 2016 1:52 AM GMT


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