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#202984386Tuesday, November 29, 2016 3:29 AM GMT

[so, uh, i decided to start this. probably not gonna get anyone, but hey, it's amusing. so basically, i type a sentence and then a few options, and you guys choose one of them and i carry it out. i do have rules for this though. 1. no overkill weapons that wouldn't belong in a post-apoc world. 2. nothing that would make the character invincibile or super strong or whatever. an exception to this is power armor, because so many people like it. anyway, i guess that about covers it. hopefully something comes out of this.] Calvin rolled off of the bare mattress, hitting the wooden floor. He stood up, grabbing his trusty hunting rifle and walking out of his apartment. From there, he went to | | - The Market | - Coal Town | - The Sewers | - The Abandoned City
#202986807Tuesday, November 29, 2016 3:52 AM GMT

Ze Market
#202992266Tuesday, November 29, 2016 4:44 AM GMT

He stared at all the vendors and couldn't decide if he wanted rat on a stick or old beans

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