#206023531Sunday, January 01, 2017 1:27 AM GMT

Jared "Hey now, you're a All Star, get your game, go play. Hey now, you're a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid..." I sang just before the bullets of my gatling gun ran out. I threw away the heavy gun and pull out my dual uzis and continue to sing "And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mold..." Talavera "Christ, we can't keep up with this many! I suggest we get outta here and find some place safe." Jared "Yeah? Well that's what I'm thinking as well, and so..." I stop shooting before I yell "RUN AWAY!!!" We would all be fleeing from battle. Meanwhile... Jena Massachusetts, since when did we ever came here. Anyways, me and Deborah are strolling down the busy streets, holding each other's hands and our fingers intertwined. Our wedding rings sometimes clash. We should probably find a place to stay.
#206029067Sunday, January 01, 2017 2:18 AM GMT

TEAM RWBY and _NPR They watch the chaos unfold as they are driven away from NYC. JAUNE "Right--" As soon as he began hearing explosions, he covered his ears, dropping Pyrrha's rifle. " where we can fight the drones in a safe place!"
#206031175Sunday, January 01, 2017 2:40 AM GMT

NYC In a matter of less than one hour, the army of Korblox soldiers is beaten and humiliated by one single deity. The Titan of Terror. Not even their leader, Kavaron, could do anything to stop this ferocious monster. And now, NYC isn't even a ravaged nation.... It's just nothing.
#206031804Sunday, January 01, 2017 2:47 AM GMT

Doomsday My skin turns red on the damaged parts as the hole knits itself closed. Broken bones mend themselves as body parts straighten out.
#206038644Sunday, January 01, 2017 3:55 AM GMT

This thread is closed because the use of the word "Christ" has offended many christians.
#206041944Sunday, January 01, 2017 4:29 AM GMT

Jared We would be out of NYC by now. I get my phone out and open Google Maps. We're now entering Massachusetts, let'sjjust hope these jerks won't be following us.
#206055592Sunday, January 01, 2017 6:32 AM GMT

(Really? Timeskip? Also waiting for MOB and Peram along with Cass and the others in the forest.) -Origins Richtofen- After having driven a reasonable distance away from the city, Edward stopped the car on the side of the road and turned to the girls. "So, explain to me everything that's happened so far. I assume you don't... belong here, like me, so start at the beginning." He spoke. -Joan of Arc- While exploring with Jaune, the French girl noticed the Titan of Terror from afar in the midst of the ruins of NYC. She couldn't help but shudder at the cold feeling the figure gave her. "What... in the name is that dark presence I feel?" She asked aloud- part to Jaune, part to herself- as she gripped her spear more tightly. If she had to fight, so be it.
#206057663Sunday, January 01, 2017 6:53 AM GMT

(Permission for the Commander to meet up with Joan?) (Also, should I bring M. Gear back?)
#206064632Sunday, January 01, 2017 8:35 AM GMT

(Ohh Vosa bout to meet the group heheheh] Vosa (in joans head) Darkness is nothing but the absence of light child. What you should be scared of is the void, the complete absence of time, light, sounds. The void can take you in and you will be lost forever.
#206087866Sunday, January 01, 2017 4:23 PM GMT

Titan of Terror "I know you're there...." The Almighty God of Fear sensed Joan's and Jaune's presence. His voice would send chills down the spine of the toughest of men. "Don't you dare point a spear at me, human female.... Or else I will make you regret everything." He told her bluntly, walking up to them at a slow pace. He didn't want to fight, but his personality and behaviour could say otherwise.
#206088985Sunday, January 01, 2017 4:40 PM GMT

Jena After a long stroll, we would eventually find ourselves a hotel and we rented a room. After a long elevator ride, once we've reach our designated floor, we went straight to our room. The inside is very nice, and the floor is barely populated. Deborah went straight to the bedroom to get some rest while I sat on the couch and watch TV. I wonder what's interesting. .... Name: Jena Williams Title: Innocent Lily Attack Power: 5 Defense Power: 4 Ability Power: 10 Difficulty: 5 Primary Role: Fighter Secondary Role: Support Name: Deborah Deathspank Title: Withered Rose Attack Power: 8 Defense Power: 6 Ability Power: 5 Difficulty: 6 Primary Role: Fighter Secondary Role: Assassin .... Jared Tired, very tired. How many miles do we have to run in order to escape that living hell? I can't remember because all that I'm thinking is our survival. But at least, we've made it this far, and we're finally in the heart of Massachusetts.
#206106330Sunday, January 01, 2017 7:54 PM GMT

JAUNE Oh no. Some of the same chills I got when I played the scariest game in years. Now they're coming back, under the form of a powerful deity. I should've been a ####### US ARMY SOLDIER fighting in a war back in the 90's, but even that won't help me. And now I'm about to #### my pants. I'm ####### doomed. I quickly pointed Milo in gun form at the being, my index finger on the trigger. No, too low, I want to get a good headshot! N-nah-dah, too much on the right! I adjust my predicted location on where that bullet will land, and--oh ##### too much on the left and too low at the same time! And the final stretch, and...b-bullseye. I then pulled the trigger on that damn rifle. And so it fired a bullet right into the center of the being's head. Please land gracefully into his brain..! WEISS "...Well, when we ended up in a tall apartment building, a strong stone army thing attacked the city, and when we tried defending NYC against it, we were simply not strong enough. So we had to retreat, and more crazy BS happened, like, some tall tower emerged, powerful demigods that remind us of, IDK, God of War? Anyway, they came, drones emerged, first the scouts, then the attack drones, and they were onto something called 'weeb trash'! And then we had to retreat because of all that!" I breathed heavily from all the explaining. Man, did that stress my lungs a little.
#206110153Sunday, January 01, 2017 8:34 PM GMT

Titan of Terror The bullet flies into his head.... And doesn't comes out from the other side. I guess that worked.... If he did have a brain, that is. I don't believe Gods need such a thing to stay alive. ".... Do you want to get killed, human?" The God asked him, a little angered by that bullet.
#206116041Sunday, January 01, 2017 9:40 PM GMT

Doomsday I stand up and look around until i see the Titan, I let out a roar of anger before bounding forward and tackling him from behind slamming both spiked fists into his spine.
#206117595Sunday, January 01, 2017 9:55 PM GMT

Titan of Terror "Don't you idiots get it? I don't have a physical body...." He said as Doomsday's fist went right past him.... But they couldn't be seen on the other side. His body was eating his fists. "Anything that touches my body becomes history." He said in a menacing tone.
#206120694Sunday, January 01, 2017 10:26 PM GMT

Doomsday My arms and hands regrow from the stubs, "Its a shame it wont happen again." I say in a gravelly voice. My new arms the same color as the titans body.
#206120935Sunday, January 01, 2017 10:29 PM GMT

[sans] A large blast of pure, raw, unadulterated magic incinerates Jaune's bullet midair as it flies overhead- it's course aimed straight for the Titan of Terror. He wasn't just going to stand by and watch two poor kids be torn to shreds by two seeming gods. The large beam does not target the Titan's physical body- but rather his SOUL. Sans' voice comes from behind the blonde haired man, "needa a hand, kiddo?" He had teleported off Papyrus's shoulders, who was quite a few blocks away at that point. Sans did not intend to get into a full on brawl with this guy, he just needed to distract him so he could get these two away from the monstrosity.
#206126004Sunday, January 01, 2017 11:29 PM GMT

JAUNE M-my god. S-someone that's laid back, of all things, or rather Sans is rescuing me. Guess the internet was serious when it said that he's strong as ####. I turned to what lies behind my back and it's the skeleton I saw back at the apartment. "Y-yeah."
#206126022Sunday, January 01, 2017 11:29 PM GMT

(Umm.... he already reacted to the bullet. I will just react to the soul part.) Titan of Terror He's hit by the beam and stumbles back, holding his chest. The place where his soul is located at. ".... It's been quite awhile since someone managed to hurt me.... This might be interesting." He said once more, getting out of his wounded position and regaining his previous pose. He point his finger at the skeleton and from it comes a.... GIGANTIC PURPLE BEAM OF CORRUPTION. That sounded like a cliché anime super move.... He just shot a enormous purple beam instead. Completely ignoring Doomsday while he does so.
#206127263Sunday, January 01, 2017 11:44 PM GMT

[sans] The giant beam collides, leaving a giant puff of dust. The dust clears, revealing nothing there. Sans, along with the two humans, teleported about fifteen feet left to where the beam collided. He looks at the God, giving a wink and a shrug, "what? you think i'm just gonna stand there and take it?" There's a crack in the earth underneath where the God was currently standing. Several giant, cartoonish looking bones protrude from the ground, trying to hit the God's SOUL. Two more giant laser beams are sent flying toward the guy, Sans' left eye glowing violently with a yellow and blue colour.
#206127835Sunday, January 01, 2017 11:51 PM GMT

Doomsday I run forward and bring my new arm down on the titans spine again.
#206128009Sunday, January 01, 2017 11:52 PM GMT

Titan of Terror The bones are eaten by the Titan's body the moment they ##### ### body. He looks at sans after that, and points one finger from each hand at him. He proceeds to fire a barrage of purple orbs at him and all of them are coming from both of his fingers. Some didn't hit but left a trail of destruction behind the skeleton.
#206128598Sunday, January 01, 2017 11:58 PM GMT

(Honestly, this is me right now: "looks like you'll have to wait a little longer robot girls because you're not in style. say hello to achievement hunters stuck in bodies of characters from RWBY.")
#206129375Monday, January 02, 2017 12:06 AM GMT

[sans] Sans sees the God-guy hold out his fingers, and instantly grabs the two humans. He suddenly is teleported several streets away, out of sight. Though the explosions from the little purple balls of energy are still heard. "alright, you two alright?" He turns to look at them, his hands in his pockets.
#206130121Monday, January 02, 2017 12:15 AM GMT

Titan of Terror Doomsday's fist went right through the God's body and didn't even harm it.... Nor did it harm Doomsday this time. I don't think Darkness can touch Darkness. Just a little thought, you know. And then he realizes the kids and the skeleton are gone.