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#203386531Saturday, December 03, 2016 12:36 PM GMT

As of currently, you can wear three hats and one of each other category of accessory, however, this causes some issues, such as: *Girls unable to make looks due to only one hair, *Inability to wear something like a beard and glasses / bandanna at the same time. *Inability to wear more than one set of wings And other issues. My suggestion to counter this issue is increase the maximum amount of: *Hair Accessory's to two. *Back Accessory's to three *Face Accessory's to two. Now, I understand that the issue with this is how the already insane amount accessory's users can currently wear, even with almost all category's capped to one, however, if this is an issue, what I would suggest is the TOTAL amount of hats / accessory's to be have a maximum amount of five to seven being a sensible idea, even perhaps less. Overall, although I like this new Accessory update, it causes a LOT of issues as of current, and it's at a very early point of being implemented, so everything I've said above may have already been planned. Anyway, thanks for reading as far as you have, and I hope this issue will be resolved soon ^-^ [ Content Sorcus'd ]
#203386724Saturday, December 03, 2016 12:39 PM GMT

"*Hair Accessory's to two." No. Just no. *Back Accessory's to three TWO at most. With three every od'ers character would be a mess of wings. *Face Accessory's to two. I support this. ...and that's 100% proof the confederacy won the civil war
#203388528Saturday, December 03, 2016 1:13 PM GMT

I agree with your point with Back / wings being 2 max, however, 'No. Just no.' ..Why? It's not only ODers and girls that are being restricted because of one Hair, I'm pretty sure there are plenty o' users that require two hairs, that unfortunately, have to make do with their character being completely depreciated. [ Content Sorcus'd ]
#203388689Saturday, December 03, 2016 1:16 PM GMT


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