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#203524760Sunday, December 04, 2016 7:50 PM GMT

Little Italy™ Admin Rules These are rules that all admins must follow. Any Ranks with admin must follow these rules when using admin or they risk being demoted and in extreme cases fired. 1. Do not use the command ":fly ____" without an SR's permission to do so. We do not need a ton of people flying around the restaurant when we are all supposed to be being mature. 2. Do not do any command that involves kill#######r########others: ":kill _, :sword __, etc. If you are found doing this to anyone, it's an automatic demotion. 3. If someone has been trolling or being inappropriate and you have given them 3 warnings about it, kick them from the server. If they come back and the problem continues, ban them if you have the power to, if not call someone who has owners admin. 4. If you are interviewing someone and they are not being appropriate or if they have safechat, then do not kill them. Explain the problem to them, respawn them and if they cannot fix the problem then kick them from the game. 5. Do not ":Slock on" unless there are interviews going on. If you are hosting interviews give everyone about 15 minutes to join before putting slock on. Made and Approved by Luminxus, Chairwoman Approved by xMrAgent, Chairman

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