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#204018543Saturday, December 10, 2016 5:59 AM GMT

Updated Version on 10/12/2016 (10th of the December 2016) The following are ideas we've heard a lot and don't need to see more threads of. THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST. Expect additions to be made as time goes on. Items on this list are either idea that we will never make into features, OR ideas that were posted TOO OFTEN, so you don’t need to post it. We know about the frequently posted ideas already. To get something added to this list, PM your WNTS suggestions to me. Note that I don't always reply, but I DO read and consider everything you send in. ■▬▬ Not Going To Happen, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • Bring Back Comments!! (We deleted the comments to stop the scams and if we put it back it may happen again) • Remove the Accessories update (The update was to sort out and clean the sections) • New WNTS (Sorry the Un-Officials will take over the WNTS until the Mods Update the WNTS) • Bring back Personal Severs (No we're trying to stop ODers) • Bring back Tix. (No) • Get rid of the 1 hair update (No we want to stop the ODers) • Remove 2 step verification (You can disable it on settings) • Get rid of BC. • Get rid of Guests. • Get rid of noobs. (Everyone was new once!) • Get rid of the 2.0/3.0 bodies. Read This article for more info: http://blog.roblox.com/2012/06/an-open-letter-to-roblox-about-our-third-gen-character-parts/ • FREE ROBUX FOR EVERYONE!!! (This includes raffles, contests, lotteries, giveaways, scavenger hunts for Tix, etc.) • Bring back the old studs. (No. Stop asking.) • Add an AFK system so I stop getting killed. (Builders can make their own AFK systems.) • Ban so-and-so. (Personal attacks will get YOU banned.) • Undo my ban. (Use the appeals process, [email protected]) • Make so-and-so a forum moderator. (We don't have volunteer mods anymore. All mods are Roblox employees and work in many areas of the site.) • CANCEL THE WHOLE THING. (IE, undo a massive update, remove huge features, etc.) • FIX ALL THE PROBLEMS EVER. (We need specifics! And no, "all the exploits" is not being specific.) • Remove this sticky. (...No.) ■▬▬ Posted Too Often, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • More rights for NBC/fewer privileges for BC. (This includes "more/less Tix or Robux", "more/fewer places", etc.) • Create new kinds of BC/give everyone a free BC trial. • Let us change our usernames. • Pets. • Microphone/voice chat. • Bring back user meshes. • Allow online dating/ODing. (If you support ODing get out) • Allow swearing or other mature content. • Ban groups for religion/racial mi################Roblox is a welcoming place and we allow anyone with the means to create a group about their interests, so long as that group is not spreading hate or trying to convert others.) • Allow religious talk/race talk/political talk/LGBT discussion on the forums. (While we allow groups about this, talking about it on the forums is not allowed because it often leads to flame wars.) • Stop being a kids' site/give us 13+ features. (We're aware of the interest.) • Bright back Tix (No) • Bring back Personal Severs (No we're trying to stop ODers) • Get rid of the 1 hair update (No we want to stop the ODers, ODing is also a look, not just an Action)
#204018770Saturday, December 10, 2016 6:03 AM GMT

And you're a moderator because....?
#204020007Saturday, December 10, 2016 6:30 AM GMT

ZOMG did you copy paste it from the original creator of the WNTS 3.0? sincerely, roblox soldier (RAP: 7)
#204038218Saturday, December 10, 2016 3:01 PM GMT

"get rid of the 1 hair update (No we want to stop oders) Roblox please dont hire this person ever.
#204039473Saturday, December 10, 2016 3:22 PM GMT

''• Bring back user meshes.'' uh we can already make meshes?
#204039576Saturday, December 10, 2016 3:24 PM GMT

"Bring back Personal Severs (No we're trying to stop ODers)" What..?
#204039732Saturday, December 10, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

people OD in personal servers so they dont get reported
#204256086Monday, December 12, 2016 11:21 PM GMT


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