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#204194256Monday, December 12, 2016 3:35 AM GMT

The players stand 12 metres apart The battle commences Cyclore leaps onto GiganticEdgar, wrestling him to the ground. Cyclore penetrates the foe with his classic sword, before taking his weapon and Edgar's bomb Hitech runs into the jungle along with his friend EmptyPeace Spinboat chases Hitech and EmptyPeace Spookey drops his sword, trips over it and falls into the ocean near spawn. He arises to spawn, just to be executed by Floyd Brick runs into the desert Odie ducks and hides around spawn Zach hangs around with Coolbox at the spawn, scavenging for items They find Spookey's sword and leave Extreme spots Odie and leaps into a tree, spying on him
#204194385Monday, December 12, 2016 3:37 AM GMT

Yea go me!
#204194412Monday, December 12, 2016 3:37 AM GMT

The lagging players finally join the game Inflatables spawns first and teams with Vmr and eltic
#204194436Monday, December 12, 2016 3:38 AM GMT

Cyclone, mind telling ATR it's here XD?
#204194511Monday, December 12, 2016 3:39 AM GMT

I'm not cyclone But sure
#204194842Monday, December 12, 2016 3:44 AM GMT

I am betraying Inflat
#204194865Monday, December 12, 2016 3:44 AM GMT

Toyota still waiting for that next part
#204194898Monday, December 12, 2016 3:45 AM GMT

Wtf auto correct I hate you I was saying Yoyoyoyo
#204194976Monday, December 12, 2016 3:46 AM GMT

Cyclore decides to slumber in the jungle trees for a while He is shot by Hitech and his Artemis bow. However, he is not dead. Hitech believes he is dead and steals his items. EmptyPeace betrays Hitech, taking flight and launching 3 blasts of powerful power, killing him. Hitech fell down, snapping the strand of his bow Empty takes all the items and the broken bow, looking for a way to fix the broken mechanism SpinBoat loses track of Empty and Hitech, so he decides to go back to spawn to go looting for some gear Floyd runs to the desert, but collapses of dehydration (not dead) Brick takes out his his staff of woodlands, spotting the framers: cool and Zach. He strikes a ball of powerful energy at Zach, killing him Zach smashes into cool, knocking his friend out cool Odie comes out and walks around, before seeing spin and ducking Extreme still lies in wait Inflatables and his friends keep walking around the entrance of the jungle
#204195144Monday, December 12, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

I'm not inflat's friend
#204195158Monday, December 12, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

#204195466Monday, December 12, 2016 3:53 AM GMT

Cyclore wakes up, encountering the running Odie Odie threatens to stab him with the sword he had in his hand Cyclore cried sadly Odie allowed him to go with him to survive EmptyPeace runs around, looking for a source of food SpinBoat locates the staggering Cyclore and Odie, and climbs up a tree, swinging form vine to vine to catch up Floyd wakes up and continues looking for food and water Brick spots Floyd and chases him Looking for water, cool goes back to the ocean near spawn Extreme was spotted by Inflat and was slammed onto the ground by Inflatables' ban hammer Rexfr smirks happily as a plan comes along
#204195567Monday, December 12, 2016 3:54 AM GMT

Niceeee. But mah name is beef
#204195689Monday, December 12, 2016 3:56 AM GMT

What I'm crying??
#204196070Monday, December 12, 2016 4:02 AM GMT

Spin takes flight with his cloak, gaining speed He punches directly through Odie's heart, killing the dragon The dragon breathes and snorts out fire, igniting a tree Spin flies pass the tree, after Cyclore His cape was put on fire, and he crashed down, falling directly headfirst into Odie's celestial sword Cyclore picks up all the items and runs to the desert EmptyPeace finds his way to the desert, but is shot down by a powerful mass of energy by Brick, hiding behind a sand block Empty's heart beat stops Floyd meets coolbox again Cool steps the foe, as floyd slashes in the direction Cool then drew out his Luger, banging floyd in the head Floyd CRASHED down, bleeding Cool took all the items, even the ones from Zach He continues running to spawn Rexfr draws his bacon daggers and used both, stabbing Inflat's kidneys Inflat collapsed down, dead Eltic jumps up, and takes out their bow, blasting an arrow at Rexfr Rexfr spins in the air, crashing down Eltic spares rexfr at a low health rate, taking his gear and Inflat's ban hammer
#204196254Monday, December 12, 2016 4:04 AM GMT

They all die.
#204196310Monday, December 12, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

Actually, you're not narrating The simplicity of that response tells barely a sentence
#204196334Monday, December 12, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

Noooo mah knives
#204196571Monday, December 12, 2016 4:08 AM GMT

Cyclore runs to the spawn for deathmatch Bricks runs to the spawn for deathmatch Rexfr climbs into a shrub, hiding Cool reaches spawn and drinks the bloody and dirty water from the ocean spawn He shoots Eltic with his Luger, killing the warrior Rexfr quickly takes all the items when Cool isn't looking
#204196653Monday, December 12, 2016 4:10 AM GMT

Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Get owned!
#204196864Monday, December 12, 2016 4:13 AM GMT

Cyclore activates the cape from spin and soars in the air Coolbox attempts to shoot him but brick launches a blast of gandolf power at him He drops his pistol and holds his damaged stomach Brick grasps his neck and drowns him in the bloody water Brick throws the body into the ocean Rexfr leaps out, spinning his bacon swords He swipes at brick, getting one swords in bacon's back Bacon falls into the ocean but still breathes
#204197012Monday, December 12, 2016 4:15 AM GMT

This is getting close! I hope i win!
#204197032Monday, December 12, 2016 4:15 AM GMT

Cyclore swipes down and powerfully punches rexfr in the stomach Rex flies across and slams into a tree, bleeding Brick rises to shore but cyclore hurls a bleach hole bomb, consuming brick and all his loot and items
#204197083Monday, December 12, 2016 4:16 AM GMT

Oh noooo!
#204197125Monday, December 12, 2016 4:17 AM GMT

Cyclore stands at one side of the field Rexfr stands at the other They both look evily at each other Cyclore throws his hat in the water, stretching Rexfr charges

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