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#204213916Monday, December 12, 2016 10:33 AM GMT

[OPENING FILE] . . . [FILE ACCESSED] . . [You must be Level-5 Clearance or above to access this file, continue?] . . [INPUT: Y >> File Unlocked] To ensure the proper usage of admin commands at all SCP facilities, several rules must be put in place. Please follow these rules to the best of your ability, as failure to follow them with sufficient excuse to not do so will result in your termination from admin-holding power. Please note this forum only has purpose to those with in-game Admin at Foundation places. [RULES] 1 // Admin commands will not be used as any navigation, transport, or orientation enhancer. 2 // Admin commands will not be used to aid in combat, whether offensive or defensive, under any circumstance. 3 // Admin may not be used in an nonprofessional manner, or any other way in general that would suggest using admin commands to compensate for your own personal laziness. 4 // Should an exploiter be found, you are to immediately ban them. You are to take no other, further, or lesser action under any circumstance. 5 // Rogue personnel/rule breakers are not to be dealt with using admin under any circumstance. 6 // Admin commands may not be used for malicious/non-useful reasons such as building, attention demands, or personal/public entertainment. 7 // You may not insert, gear, or give yourself or another personnel any item without the consent of a Site Director+ [PROPER USAGE] Admins commands MAY be used for the following reasons... -Re-containment of an SCP is COMPLETELY impossible without use of admin -An exploiter is in the server (:ban) -Removal of personnel who have broken major rules repeatedly (:kick/:ban) -Containment breach simulations/department training -Emergency contact to another person(s) (:pm) -Truthful and HELPFUL announcement to other personnel (:m or :sm/:h or :sh) -Any other use that is logical, reasonable, and explainable at any given moment [NOTE] Contributors/Creators of a Site will only be punished if their admin use inhibits the ability to maintain a formal/operational work environment, and are otherwise excused from admin rules. Of course, only applies when using admin at their own site. Any reports of admin misuse or breaking any of the rules stated in this forum are to be sent directly to the Administrator, clear evidence must be provided if at all possible. Logs will be checked, and if you falsely report admin misuse you are subject to immediate persecution. -Administrator Secure. Contain. Protect.

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