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#204329785Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:07 AM GMT

Hello people of Docklands! This is my official speech for my running in the Senior Admiral elections for DPD:MD! I hope my speech convinces you to support me in these elections! All you have to do to support, say “Support!” or “#support” or something similar. Section I: Introduction Section II: Plans Section III: Benefitting MD Section IV: Experience Section V: Conclusion ================================================================== Section I: Introduction I’m sure it’s obvious already, I’m running for Senior Admiral in DPD:MD. I have lots of plans for MD and how I will benefit MD. I have been with MD for about 2-3 months now, probably longer I just can’t remember exactly when. I was the Admiral’s hand picked Marine Training Instructor until we had a new system so I got assignedto someone else. ================================================================== Section II: Plans I have a lot of plans for DPD:MD. My biggest plans are making MD more active and making sure we don’t have corrupt officers in this department. How will I do that? 1. I will have patrol logs where agents must patrol 2 hours a week and I will have each agent go to at least 2 trainings each week. 2. This is the tricky one, not accepting corrupt officers. Here’s how I’ll do it; for tryouts, not only will we (the HR’s) be doing background checks, I will make sure we also ask questions regarding law and abuse. ================================================================== Section III: Benefitting MD I will benefit MD by always being there for our agents and always helping establish justice within MD and Docklands. What am I going to do to do that? I will always be there for our agents in court and defending their rights. I am sick and tired of citizens screaming at the law enforcement that protect them “ABUSE!!!” I want to change this and make sure that officers get their proper treatment. ================================================================== Section IV: Experience I have a lot of experience to share with you. Although, I have no experience specifically as a Senior Admiral in MD, I have a lot of experience in HR positions and elite law enforcement departments. 1. As I stated in the intro, I was the HAND SELECTED Marine Training Instructor for the Admiral of DPD:MD and AC of DPD, Dino_Raf until changes happened so I got assigned to someone else. 2. I am also an adviser in DPD:SWAT and have been there for a while now. 3. I was also an Operations Commander in Docklands department of Homeland Security until reforms happened. 4. I used to be an SIA in Docklands Special Forces, until we turned into Docklands National Guard and everyone got reformed and rank changes happened. 5. I am as well a Trooper in DST. 6. And of course , a commander in DPD. ================================================================== Section V: Conclusion I really do wish that this speech helps convince you to support me for Senior Admiral in DPD:MD. I wish luck to all running in the elections and to all officers with their careers. I hope everyone has safe rest of their life and that we are all here to have fun. Thank you so much for your time and effort to read this! ================================================================== Please support me in these elections by simply just saying “Support!” or “#support” Or something similar to that. Thanks! ~Signed, MD MTI and many more, FBIAgent990
#204329936Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

Want to help? Please help by simply posting this on SoD, DPD and DPD:MD wall! [DPD:MD SA] Want a Senior Admiral that is active? Want a Senior Admiral that has a lot of experience? Then support me for Senior Admiral! Speech: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=204329785
#204330288Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:14 AM GMT

Support Signed, Commander of SWAT SoD Chief of Staff
#204330768Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:20 AM GMT

Support SIGNED, DPD Superintedent SWAT Cheif Adviser DST Major DNG General SoD Cabinet
#204331064Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:23 AM GMT

support marine division is trash
#204336467Wednesday, December 14, 2016 2:25 AM GMT

#Support -MD Senior Admiral. Good lucky, mate.
#204352568Wednesday, December 14, 2016 6:33 AM GMT

Support best rank: tourist & rank Signed, AveryFTW12
#204364910Wednesday, December 14, 2016 12:54 PM GMT

support RAWR
#204430285Thursday, December 15, 2016 11:13 AM GMT

Support. Signed, Senator OG. DPD HR Super||DPD:LD DHoLD||SoD Senator||DDoA Director OG_Bllxe

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