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#204332750Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

Office of the Docklands State Troopers Public Affairs. Harford, Docklands. 12/13/2016. Good afternoon citizens of Docklands! As some of you know, as Sergeant within Docklands State Troopers, I have been tasked with two key roles, which are Public Relations, and the departments Legal Advisor. Today, as Head of Public Affairs, I am here to notify you, the citizens of Docklands that the State Trooper Service will NOT be servicing nor responding to Tim Hortons (Located by Capital). This is due to lack of snow removal to the lot, which creates a dangerous environment. Under these circumstances, Troopers are instructed to only respond when the parking lot is clear enough to safely drive through and low enough to where the operative will be able to exit safely after the situation is handled. Operatives are also instructed to NOT park on the side of the road, to refrain from creating road hazards during this winter environment. keeping our Troopers and Citizens safe is imperative to this department, however, instructing Troopers to park on the street due to the owner of Tim Hortons (Abby) not wanting to have her lot plowed is unethical nor safe. Nevertheless, while parking in the street obstructs Docklands Department of Transportations (DDoT) operations, as they will have to detour around the cruiser, or let snow pile up under that situation is clear. Questions and Concerns can be addressed by messaging; RedneckAntiExploit. ( https://www.roblox.com/users/109488283/profile ) Thank you, Docklands State trooper Service, Public Relations Officer, Sergeant, RedneckAntiExploit. Rights to this document are reserved by the; Docklands State Trooper Service.
#204339470Wednesday, December 14, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

Alright. Great job, Sergeant! Signed, Lieutenant Ayee (Lieutenant of DST)
#204346607Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:41 AM GMT

Refusing to respond to emergency situations in any part of the state with the reason of "oh theres too much snow" is completely stupid. You can't just give up because of the snow. There is a thing called walking, and jackets. - Docklands Lt. Gov.
#204353470Wednesday, December 14, 2016 6:52 AM GMT

The snow gets way to high to walk and we always get called out for abuse and tresspass. e.e GovKanyeWest Mayor Candidate 2017 ||
#204361717Wednesday, December 14, 2016 11:09 AM GMT

hi bye hi bye
#204378143Wednesday, December 14, 2016 6:15 PM GMT

DST is a terrible idea.
#204414127Thursday, December 15, 2016 3:28 AM GMT

@Silver, It's not exactly the snow to blame, however, if you look at such predicaments that are faced in Docklands, it will make more sense. This isn't Firestone, where we can effectively have officers on foot. I have reached out, and so have some of my peers to the owner of Tim Hortons upon allowing our plows clear the lot. However, she deliberately denies it and engages with an armed weapon at our plows. It is quite hard to fulfill the Departments mission statement, and departmental beliefs when the owner of the establishment is defiant to our requests. Which is also why I have requested a Municipal Code or set provisions which will mandate how establishments shall; Operate, Secure their establishments, and so forth, and under set provisions would be to ensure that their lot is clear. For a Docklands Police Department High Rank to deliberately instruct citizens to park on roads ways and obstruct the flow of traffic is idiotic. So meanwhile, I must instruct my operatives to patrol on foot while being shot at with an arsenal of weapons which can be found in Docklands. I understand that denying the Trooper Service to such establishment can be seen as a step back for the Department. However, if I can not ensure that my operatives can functionally operate under the predicaments given, then I must alter it. Now, I would love to speak with a municipal representative, about setting such municipal charter / code. However, Docklands has never had a functional Mayor, nor Council. Please, make suggestions upon how I can justify Tim Hortons shooting Department of Transportation employees for entering the lot, but expect Docklands State Troopers to arrive on scene whilst on foot? With that also being said, since when can you engage on a state employee because they're on your property? Last I checked, you should call a Law Enforcement Official to address the trespassing, not light them up. As you should only shoot when you are engaged upon yourself or see that someone else may be in harms way. With that, I am finished. Thank you, Docklands State trooper Service, Public Relations Officer, Sergeant, RedneckAntiExploit.
#204414754Thursday, December 15, 2016 3:38 AM GMT

@GovKanyeWest, I am addressing the situation with what set obligations I have, and with restricted authority. It's my job to ensure that it's handled and to keep the public informed on how we plan to address it. I would like to speak to a Municipal Representative, while with Faded, and J_kido, to implement a municipal code to regulate the snow removal. However, as of now I am on restricted authority meaning there is only so much I can do, and after analyzing the situation, I had come up with an interim shutdown of services for a certain area unless that lot is clear. This is an approved (interim) policy by the Department Colonel (Superintendent) Faded as well. Thank you, Docklands State trooper Service, Public Relations Officer, Sergeant, RedneckAntiExploit.
#204422130Thursday, December 15, 2016 5:51 AM GMT

Whats funny about ROBLOX is that while users try to be professional, we still use slang. "... to address the trespassing, not 'light them up'." --- No offense intended
#204425356Thursday, December 15, 2016 7:23 AM GMT

The issue is Abby acts like it is private property so say they need a tow I went over and she told the security official to kill me for trespassing. Signed House member.
#204430346Thursday, December 15, 2016 11:16 AM GMT

tbf gunton joz just enjoys killing people straight up
#204435672Thursday, December 15, 2016 2:15 PM GMT

How come Abby does not want it plowed? No harm about it.
#204448808Thursday, December 15, 2016 7:14 PM GMT

Abby's stupid, all she cares about is how her 'lovely coffee shop' looks. 'Ooh the snow looks lovely don't plow it, it will ruin the picturesque scenery of my coffee shop'. Red you made the right decision. I completely support your decision and profesionalism when faced with such idiocy. I swear we protect TH and her employees from criminals, the least she could do is clear the driveway for our vehicles ffs. ### ### #### should we have to make do just because she cares about her dumb scenery?? She doesn't care about us saving her employees and customers when in need, she wants her dumb view. Red you're right we shouldn't have to stand for this kind of nonsense.
#204449478Thursday, December 15, 2016 7:30 PM GMT

Don't they have the right to plow it no matter what? Shouldn't the government step in and fix the problem?
#204453496Thursday, December 15, 2016 8:42 PM GMT

^ Did you not see Silver's careless response? The Governors couldn't give one if they wanted to. They don't want to waste their time with pathetic situations created by pathetic people like Abby. To be honest I don't blame them, they do have more important things to deal with and to be honest, deciding not to deal with issues regarding Tim Hortons is not a such a big thing anyway nor is it a problem for us. Our HRs shouldn't have to deal with Abby's bc and neither should the Governors.
#204456928Thursday, December 15, 2016 9:35 PM GMT

@killdog234ALT, As you are entitled to your own opinion and beliefs. Please do not post such derogatory terms on Docklands State Troopers documents, thank you. Thank you, Docklands State trooper Service, Public Relations Officer, Sergeant, RedneckAntiExploit.
#204457254Thursday, December 15, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

Faded demoted me because I did not say the arresting sayings. I did not say it because he had a gun out.
#204461221Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

@rw "The issue is Abby acts like it is private property" It is private property.
#204462063Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:51 PM GMT

@icwrigh86, Yes, of course, it's private property. However, the property is not sovereign. Meaning that the establishment must follow laws as all citizens are regulated to do so. Them shooting at Department of Transportation should be considered them engaging as an Armed Combatant (To my dictionary) and then legally prosecuted. Everyone wants to make Docklands better, and we can do it! However, we need to make it harder to obtain weapons, by implementing Gun Permits, and other systems. As well, ensuring that our business representatives are responsible when it comes to their land! They shouldn't be armed with M4's, and be trained as the establishment's armed militia. Docklands is getting better, however, it still has a long way to go! Thank you, Docklands State trooper Service, Public Relations Officer, Sergeant, RedneckAntiExploit.
#204503990Friday, December 16, 2016 1:11 PM GMT

What we gotta do, when we're arresting someone and they have a gun out and about to kill us but we have no choice but to arrest them without the rights? Plus DDOC is about to get reformed so Idt we can tell a warden to tell them the rights.
#204518885Friday, December 16, 2016 6:56 PM GMT

mr. sergeant what do you have to say about threatening to ddos me the other day when i killed u
#204526455Friday, December 16, 2016 9:11 PM GMT

@WilfridOfLindisfarne, Please learn your terminology, as denying internet to one's DEVICE is not a DDoS. It's simply confusing Domain Name Servers enough to lag you out of a session, or stop running internet programs. Simply not a DDoS and much more legal. Keep in mind this is NOT covered in ANY Docklands law, and at that time could be punishable due to you shooting unarmed Docklands Department of Transportation operatives. For a basic summary, you wouldn't have been booted offline. Simply booted from the server, and denied re-entry by such programs. And no, this is NOT considered an exploit as much would complain about. Thanks, -John (Official alternative account of RedneckAntiExploit)
#204536551Friday, December 16, 2016 11:35 PM GMT

and i thought jackson was the cringeworthiest person i had ever met on roblox well that record has now been supplanted
#204540310Saturday, December 17, 2016 12:29 AM GMT

To think I was the one to try and save your position in DST. What was I thinkin'. Craazy man.
#204578550Saturday, December 17, 2016 3:06 PM GMT

You attempting to use legalese to get out of openly threatening illegal action (you're so repugnant not even GOs are willing to cooperate, which is why you were 'promoted' to the most glorious rank of Sergeant instead of your much-wanted Superintendent) is exactly why DST popularity has fallen like a rock. That, and the fact someone thought it was a smashing idea to hire a bunch of troopers who don't read rights 'because they had a gun'. Putting you in charge of the 'legal department' was a hilariously stupid idea. jesus stop being salty over someone killing you on a block game. aren't you 17 or something seriously.

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