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#204429916Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:53 AM GMT

The Sith Order: Kaggath One Sith could challenge another Sith for any reason, be it strife, anger, vengeance, greed or pure dislike. The challenger set the arena, whether a planet, a star system or the entire galaxy, and if accepted by the challenge, the ritual began. A kaggath can only happen between a Sith Knight+, and anyone above the rank of Children of the Emperor+ may not participate in kaggath. The rules of a Kaggath is simple: Three witnesses by the rank of Dark Council+ must be present The challenge must be accepted and agreed on by both sides Each side may have 5 siths in total The witnesses of the Kaggath may not participate in the Kaggath itself The demands of the Kaggath must be stated by both sides The Kaggath must be approved by The Wrath/Voice/Rage of the Emperor. You may only challenge a person to a Kaggath every month, and the minimum rank to challenge someone to a Kaggath is Sith Knight.

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