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#204431861Thursday, December 15, 2016 12:17 PM GMT

Because 10 tix being given out every day to over 130,000,000 accounts (amount of accounts during the time) means there are 1,300,000,000 tickets going into circulation every day, from nothing. Also, from people joining your game that is a TON of extra tickets added. There must be around 30M joins each day ( being conservative ) so that of course adds on. Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for 2 resons. 1) People always convert tickets to ROBUX. That now make ROBUX at risk of being inflated. Why? Because guess how many accounts there are now? over 190M accounts Doesn't matter if they are alts, or bots. Tickets are given out by accounts, not by doing things. So then ROBUX would be even more inflated. And then, in ate 2017, there might be 300,000,000 accounts. That now makes tickets 2 times as worthless as they were in March. 40 tickets for 1 ROBUCK. That is inflation. 2) Clothing creators. People say there is no way this helped Clothing Creators. It must've hurt them since free users can't buy their clothes. Well, as that might be true, we need to remember that since tickets were so inflated ( 20:1 ) and shirts were 100 tix / 10 ROBUX ( 10:1 ) over 50% of sales from PAID users who have ROBUX, bought things with tickets. Only giving us half of what we really should've earned. Now with tickets gone, it forces the TONS of Paid users buying clothes, to buy it for ROBUX. I myself AM a clothing creator, ( 20K member clothing group ) so not only do these facts make me know that this is true, but I know from Experience. Hope that this can help you better understand what we mean by inflation.
#204433185Thursday, December 15, 2016 1:00 PM GMT

assuming tix still existed

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