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#205723313Thursday, December 29, 2016 3:33 AM GMT

Info / Backstories ~ Queen Eden- wip Queen Ara- wip Queen Riverina- wip Queen Eliza~ Elizabeth Celeste Baratheon, born to Lord Robert Baratheon and Lady Lyanna Stark. Accompanied with two older siblings, Lord Thomas Baratheon and Lady Alerie Baratheon. Being a time of war, her family was constantly being warred for their spot as Lord Paramounts of The Stormlands. Eventually in a war between House Estermont, Lord Robert Baratheon was lost. House Baratheon was taken over by Roberts Brother, Renly Baratheon, rather than Roberts only son, Thomas. Right before Roberts death, Lyanna announced to him, she was carrying his child once more, the child happened to be Eliza. In a state of shock, Lyanna took the children and moved back home to Winterfell with her family. Lady Lyanna, died in child birth. The children remained in Winterfell as Lyanna's brother, Eddard Stark's, "children" all taking over the last name of Stark. Once Elizabeth turned 10, her family started to fall apart and separate. Her brother, died fighting for Winterfell in war at age 18. Her sister, Alerie, was sent off to marry a Greyjoy at 16. The years went on and once Eliza was 18, her uncle finally found someone good enough for her to marry. She was then sent off to Highgarden to marry Lord Mace Tyrell. When she turned 19, Lord Mace Tyrell passed. Rather from dying in war, he was murdered in the night. The murderer was never found. Lady Elizabeth moved back to Winterfell once more, awaiting to be married off once again. A year later, another man came forth asking to marry to Eliza in trade for an alliance. The man was King Aegon Targaryen. Lord Eddard accepted, and Elizabeth was sent off again, but this time to the capital of the continent, King's Landing. Only a few months after being crowned Queen, she was expecting her first child. The child was eventually born, and named Aerys. Three years later another child by the name of Rhaella was born. Followed by her third and final child, Derron. Many years later, Aegon was eventually tried by the people and sentenced to death. His oldest son, Aerys, at age 19, took over, with his mother Eliza, ruling beside him as Queen Regent. Rhaella, 18, was sent off to marry a man from House Greyjoy. Aerys eventually found a wife to marry as well, and on his wedding day he was poisoned, and died on the spot. Derron, age 17, eventually took over the throne, his mother still present as Queen Regent. When Rhaella was 19, the marriage was ended and they sent her home. Shortly before leaving, Lady Grejoy had Rhaella poisoned. On the journey home, Rhaella was pronounced dead and eventually presented back home to her mother. Leaving only Derron, who was now 20 was still King. He too eventually found a wife, in which carried Derrons child. The wife along with the son died in child birth, leaving Derron devastated. A few nights later, he jumped out his bedroom window, face first, falling onto the ground, dead in seconds. Being the last remaining member of the family, Elizabeth took the crown. Now ruling as Queen Regnant.

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