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#205927808Saturday, December 31, 2016 3:58 AM GMT

IDEA: When you make a place, you can choose what character rig you want. For example, I want to use R15 on my new place. ROBLOX should allow you to do the same but with different ROBLOX clients. For example, I want to use the ROBLOX 2010 client for my place. Minecraft has this similar concept so that servers can work with mods that have been made for specific versions of the game. For example, "XRay mod for Minecraft 1.5.2!" ADVANTAGES: ( 1 ) This wouldn't require too many updates because this would only mean downgrading your game to work in more outdated conditions and nothing more. For example, having to remove new features like ReplicatedStorage, ServerScriptStorage, etc. If you have an old ROBLOX game file laying around in your computer, it will not have any new ROBLOX features likes the ones aforementioned. If you run it on the latest ROBLOX Studio, the game would be upgraded to have those features so it can run. This can simply be reverse engineered to downgrade and work with older ROBLOX Studio clients. ( 2 ) This will allow developers to fix old broken games that they made. ( 3 ) It could finally stop the "BRING BACK OLD ROBLOX" argument. Users clearly define their distaste for new ROBLOX with some reasons including: - Bevels looked better - New shadows lag my computer - The new community is awful (other reasons like "copied games" and "spam" are already being worked on as far as I can see. eitherway, they have always existed.) Having older clients can satisfy most of those who are arguing. For specifically the community reason, new and old communities would probably be divided if this update is applied. ( 4 ) ROBLOX gamemakers design their games for the version of ROBLOX running at the time they made their game. They expect the game to run to their expectations IN THAT CLIENT. For example, wingman08 scripted Galleons in bytecode and one day, ROBLOX removed bytecode from RBX.Lua, and this caused the game to break and stay that way for a while before he came to fix it. If he wasn't an active member, that game could've been a lost game. Updating ROBLOX is understandable, but forcing games to work in the new updated conditions is not. That's like me saying that Wolfenstein 3D must be run on DOOM 1's engine and not on Wolfenstein 3D's engine anymore. Obviously, it will never work because it was designed to work in its original engine and nothing else. ( 5 ) It will remove the point of old ROBLOX revival projects appearing like Nobelium and Graphictoria. Graphictoria was quite a serious one because recently ROBLOX threatened to enforce DMCA on the creator unless he shut down the project (in which he did) due to him hosting ROBLOX clients on his website. Graphictoria got extremely popular, and this could be ROBLOX having all those players. ( 6 ) This one is a really silly point but, this will give new players an opportunity to experience ROBLOX's past. You don't know how curious players can get and it's great to allow them to discover something rather than it just being forcibly barred off. DISADVANTAGES: ( 1 ) No in-game purchases. Of course, this update doesn't have to be forced. Any game created should be set to have latest version by default. This idea (if it were to be an update) of having the game set to an older client is purely the gamemaker's decision to make the game work to his/her expectations. ( 2 ) Hats have to exist. Recently, ROBLOX changed hats into accessories. However, the hats still retain their original properties such as position and rotation of its placement. The conversion process should be hopefully be simple. ( 3 ) Games with older clients can easily be exploited since they are running off of outdated software. This is a big point, but then again, this whole idea is purely the decision of the gamemaker. Any issues that would happen in the game is up to the gamemaker to fix. This same point can be applied to FilteringEnabled - some developers don't use it and although this runs a risk of the game getting exploited, that's purely the developer's choice. CONCLUSION: It makes sense that ROBLOX wants all of their players to have access to the latest and best new features and not stuff that is old, deprecated and now useless. Though, there should be appreciation left for past work. One day in the future, when new users will be playing and most old have left and moved on, many games made around in the present would most likely end up broken too and none of the future players will ever be able to experience what made those games great back then, let alone experience them at all.
#205928083Saturday, December 31, 2016 4:01 AM GMT

tl;dr version: u should be able to choose what Roblox client u want to use for ur game. ADVANTAGES: 1. not many updates required to do this 2. allows developers to fix their old broken games 3. stop people from ####### "BRING BACK OLD ROBLOX" 4. gamemakers make their games to work on ROBLOX back then, they expect it to run like that. 5. removes need for having old roblox revival projects like Graphictoria 6. newbies can learn about what roblox was before DISADVANTAGES: 1. no in-game purchases 2. hats need to exist 3. could be easily exploited. (reasons against these points told in longer, more explained text) CONCLUSION: ROBLOX updates are great, but this exact problem will persist in the future if it isn't resolved - and that will be quite a loss

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