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#205964Thursday, October 25, 2007 1:47 AM GMT

I need help on making a script that automatically adds the plane tool to people when they enter Freezie's Fridge. I also need a script that regens the whole area every ten minutes. Someone please help!!!
#205975Thursday, October 25, 2007 1:52 AM GMT

1: Just search for plane tool in all models, click on it, and publish your place 2: Go to "Insert -> Object... -> and type "Script" (Yes the S needs to be capital) and then paste this into the script and replace NAME with what you need to regen: model = game.Workspace:findFirstChild("NAME") messageText = "Regenerating NAME..." message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = messageText backup = model:clone() while true do wait(600) -- regenerate this model every 600 seconds message.Parent = game.Workspace model:remove() wait(4) -- display regen message for 4 seconds model = backup:clone() model.Parent = game.Workspace model:makeJoints() message.Parent = nil end
Top 100 Poster
#206420Thursday, October 25, 2007 4:14 PM GMT

or group a model then paste this in it: model = game.Workspace:findFirstChild. messageText = "Regenerating NAME..." message = Instance.new"regenerating model be patient!" message.Text = messageText backup = model:clone() while true do wait(100) -- regenerate this model every 600 seconds message.Parent = game.Workspace model:remove() wait(4) -- display regen message for 4 seconds
Top 100 Poster
#206421Thursday, October 25, 2007 4:15 PM GMT

#207049Thursday, October 25, 2007 10:42 PM GMT

#67551772Saturday, May 05, 2012 9:18 PM GMT

Lol. Bumping an '07 post.

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