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#206134346Monday, January 02, 2017 1:05 AM GMT

Phase 1 : ACMF fleet assembles, fakes itself as a "large RCO cargo movement" (1 aircraft carrier with 4 VTOLs, 4 #U####### med-vac choppers) (2 cruisers [each is armed with 2 255mm dual cannons and 2 152mm singles) (1 battleship; 4 sets of 255mm doubles) (Multiple landing ships) Phase 2 : 2 SU-35s will drop napalm bombs on both forts, southside, and whitman bay, 4 landing ships will land on the coast, each unloading 1 T14 MBT, 2 T15 APCs, and 2 platoons-worth of men. These initial troops will be supported by the battleship, which would bombard enemy fortified positions when called upon Phase 3 : Troops clear out fortified positions, ravaging though the area to kill civilians. The push will stop at the mountains so troops can sweep the area to make sure there is no one left except ACMF troops. Those captured are tortured for enemy positions and intel is scavenged. Artillery is re-used to support the ACMF troops, tanks also are reused. Both forts are made FOBs for ACMF troops, troop loss is taken into account and those casualties are sent to the carrier to recover. Phase 4 : Special Forces begin operations to ####### the enemy lines in the surrounding areas, knowing US and PRT probably made an alliance to handle the ACMF landing invasion. The troops begin to face heavy resistance, but quickly crush it due to the heavily armored vehicles they brought, though some would be damaged at this point. Phase 5 : (probably diplomatic negotiations, seeing as MEB was an enemy of the US i'd assume the could possible make an alliance with the MEB, then they just push through the US, take factories and other stuff, use them, resupply troops from the continent of europe and asia, probably already have europe under lockdown and complete control, and other stuff like deal with guerrilla fighters) it won't happen, lets be honest with ourselves.
#206152800Monday, January 02, 2017 5:06 AM GMT

this is autistic
#206193099Monday, January 02, 2017 5:52 PM GMT

thats the point you dingus

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