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#206400811Wednesday, January 04, 2017 11:16 PM GMT

What is the Angel force? The Angel Force, is entity, created by the sheer force of life itself. Now, the Angel Force is basically a ball of power created by two elements: The Life Force, And The Death Force. The Life Force energy, is a pool of Energy called a Chakra. A chakra, is a pool of spiritual energy on everyone body. The life force, is a spiritual pool filled with universal life Force Energy. This Energy is the essence of our being, our consciousness, our soul. As the flow of Life Force Energy moves through our physical,emotional,and spiritual bodies, it can become unbalanced,stagnant, or blocked. The Death Force is the exact opposite. It can create, shape, or manipulate the essence of death. The death force can use it’s power[Energy] to cause an apocalypse if portrayed enough from its origin. Do not be confused with Death manipulation, cause they're not the same. Why was the Angel Force created? The angel force, spawned from every living thing in the known universes, along with moving lights. Due to this, the angel force grew more and more bigger, as it spawned more, and more. Knowing to get too big, the force, began to take shape, of a creature like, mold. The base of the mold, would be round, and flowing with energy, but, as it began to go up, hands would form on each side, and human features of the head, would be there. Along its back, would be two huge, psionic fiery wings, pure as white. The angel force only had one thing to do: Keep life going, knowing that if lives were lost, the force would loose power, and its existence. Due to the force, growing, and growing, it wouldn't be able to accomplish that. So, what it needed to do, was to find something that would hold back its growth, knowing only one thing could: Life. Without hesitation, it heads toward the most civilized place in THAT galaxy, Earth. The Angel Force Host: June Maximoff/Nathan Scarlett In the beginning, June Maximoff was the vessel of the Angel Force, as she was born within it’s power. Thinking that she was a good host to have, The AF gave june Limitless power called chthonic magic. Though the years, June remained pure, until her brother, named Wuan Maximoff, takes control of her power/Chthonic abilities. Finding out, she abused him Mentally and Physically, which made the AF upset. It wasn’t until June took the life of a Mutant named Yuusei, that the AF decides to leave that body, but can’t knowing that without a host, it’s power would crack the earth in half. It wasn’t until then, that June met nathan, and realize the power Nathan holds. The force would actually look into Nathan soul and spirit, seeing it was pure. Taking its chances, The AF would use time and space to manipulate Nathan over time, keeping him protected, and pure without any casualties. Then, when the time was right, The AF would manipulate nathan to Attack June, and drain the energy/Life out of her, along with the AF. When the process is done, June would for a few seconds, before the AF/Nathan revives her. Keeping it’s title, the AF would bind its and nathan soul as one, becoming Soul-Mates. Nothing can separate them. Also, keeping the same mistake June made, the AF would keep nathan from loving anyone too close…. The Celestial Sprite The angel force, now connected spiritually and mentally, becomes a whole with Nathan. The force, decided to call itself: Seraph, on earth. Though, staying hidden within Nathan mind, the AF gives Nathan the power of Chthonic Magic, keeping him safe. Though, other telepaths can't enter his mind, other complications can happen. Seraph, One day, felt a sudden shift in the universe, feeling there there was more death, than life. So, Seraph decides to express itself, though Nathan mind, forcefully, taking control. At first, the X-Men didn't trust Seraph, somehow comparing it to the Phoenix force. But over the course of a few days, they begin to trust it; it bringing more life, than death. Once the AF job was done, Nathan would have full control over the force, as they became one. Suddenly, nathan would’ve been taken by the MRD late at night, to be assassinated. In fear, and filled with emotions, Nathan begins to lose control, As the AF energy is being controled by Nathan himself. He nearly wipes out half of the city, unable to stop his own powers. In a turn of grief, Nathan uses his own powers on him, causing His body to explode, ending the torment of those around him. Death...To Life... After the Tragic event, Nathan body would be turned to ash, and scattered into the sea of Learsian. A few years passes, as Earth flourishes somehow with more life, and living ecological spirits. It wasn't until Something began to happen at the sea of Learsian, 50 yards away from the coastline. Life, under the water would begin to die, as their bodies shrivel up, white particles floating in the ocean. The particles would swarm around an area, forming a glowing white orb, bright as the sun itself. Inside of the orb, would be a forming body, With a base of nothing, but hands, and human characteristics, and white fiery wings.... As the Orb grew more and more brighter, a face would form.. the face of Nathan... Resurrecting, using the life of sea creatures to bring him back, to start what he was doing.. restore life....

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